Eliza's heart hurt, "Amelia? What's wrong?" she looked her up and down, looking for signs that she was hit.

Amelia couldn't look at her. Or she wouldn't.

Eliza embraced her, "Please tell me what's the matter."

Amelia finally looked up at her and said, "Eliza. Your Father is giving me away."

Eliza's heart stopped, and her blood felt hot. She just held onto Amelia, since she couldn't speak a word. She was in disbelief.

Eliza knocked softly on her Father's bedroom door.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"It's Elizabeth, Father."

"Come in."

She opened the door and went in, closing the door behind her.

"What is it?"

She dig her nails into her thumbs, nervous, upset, and scared of her Father. "Are you giving Amelia away?" she was afraid to ask.

He paused, "I did."

Her stomach sank and she felt sick. She wanted to cry. "T-to whom?"

"My brother. He's getting married."

"Still why would yo-"

"Are you questioning me?"

"No Father, but why her?" she questioned desperately.

"It doesn't matter anyways. You should be getting married soon. You need to stop being a child."

Her eyes were swelling, and she was fighting the quivering of her lip.

"If you care so much, go help her pack. She will only be here one more night."

As soon as she closed the door after leaving, she silently started sobbing, clutching her heart. She couldn't believe it. It was too much to bare.

Solemnly that night, the two of them packed Amelia's few belongings. Most of which she had gotten from Eliza. While Eliza slowly packed a few things, hanging on each item, Amelia finished what she was cleaning and packing up in no time. She sat on the cot next to Eliza, and put her arm around her.

"This isn't the last time we'll see each other. But if it was, let's not let it be sad." She smiled warmly as she always did.

Eliza wiped the tear out of her eye and smiled back at her, her positivity was infectious. "Okay."

"shall I make your favorite dessert?"

"No, LET'S make YOUR favorite dessert."

They giggled and went to the kitchen to make the most of their last night together. They stoked up the oven and started mixing up batter for the cherry tarts. With a bowls of fresh picked tart cherries. And during that time, backing, being together, laughing and giggling together. It felt like everything was going to be okay. Maybe they would be apart, but they'd still be sisters. They'd still be there FOR each other. That night they secretly stayed up all night, and it was the longest, and shortest night of their lives.

The next morning came, and the time for them to say goodbye was drawing closer. She helped her put her chest into the carriage and the three of them got in and the driver started on their way. Under the cover of their dresses Eliza held onto Amelia's hand tight, comforting her. Silently saying it was going to be okay. Truly a big sister.

When they arrived at her Father's brother's house, where the wedding ceremony was to be held. The bride to be was standing At the door to greet the family that came. She smiled but mot to her eyes. Rarely was a woman actually happy to be getting married. They went inside and her Father's brother greeted them him, coming away from the small group he was mingling with. He had a thin mustache that he curled at the ends as if he was some kind of super villain from a movie. He was wearing a dark fur cloak the a man would wear for a celebration. Eliza never enjoyed his company, and couldn't decide if she was more or less sick of him now that Amelia would have to live with him and serve this terrible man. Even his look would make one feel ill.

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