The A-Class was unsurprising. Amai Mask. Pig God only grunted in acknowledgement, having expected from the result, but gave him a few words of praise. He was unable to truly cause some pain to the hero, but had something happen.

Pig God took a short step back. That's about it.

Yet, when it came to the S-Class, that's where the surprise came. Puri Puri Prisoner rained down on him with fists repeatedly, deathly intent to him only leading to a few steps back. Tank Top Master's tackle had a similar effect before he couldn't push much further.

Metal Bat, surprisingly, after being mutilated heavily from Tornado's request, was able to swing hard enough to get some liftoff from Pig God, sending him off the ground for a second or two.

Superalloy Darkshine, Bang, Child Emperor, Zombieman, Genos, and even Drive Knight struggled to find a way to approach the problem, the last one using five different transformations in an experiment only to find out that nothing truly fazed him. Genos' fire had no impact, Child Emperor's gadgets did nothing, and even Darkshine's monstrous blow only sent Pig God moving similarly to Metal Bat's swing.

Tornado, Saitama, and King all requested they sit out from the competition. It wasn't understood, but generally accepted by the S-Class.

Simply put, he was a practically immovable object that would require an unstoppable force to truly defeat.

It'd take more than a group of people to take him down. It'd take something with the strength of an army.

"N-No..." the monster squeaked out, backing against the corner of the wall. "T-There's no way!"

It watched Pig God slurp down another monster with ease, his jaw extending far beyond the normal human range of motion.

"T-There...h-he can't've!" It screamed, howling in fear as the gigantic man turned his attention towards the monster. Trying to escape, it tried crawling between his legs and under him, but the wall of fat got in its way, effectively trapping him in.

Within a few seconds, the head of the lizard monster was well into the stomach of the man, the last half of its tail already on its way.

Not too bad... Pig God thought to himself, his mouth closing around the last bit of tail. That one was a little too salty, though.

As he lifted his fingers to look at the scales embedded within them, he hummed, before blinking as he watched two sets of straight, pearly white teeth closing in front of him, darkness consuming him.


The prodigy above all.

Many would consider the genius child an odd fit for the S-Class. In fact, there were some who were dissenting the choice to take him into the S-Class, given his age. It was just discussed among those who were either envious or cynical that he just shouldn't be there. That his efforts and achievements were all just handed to him on a silver platter.

Through all his gadgetry, studying, and careful analysis of the enemy, he and his backpack are simply an ever-growing arsenal that can end up dealing with any situation, the only limit to his power being his brain and the laws of the universe. That's it. As long as the possible power falls into where those two things overlap, Child Emperor can and will end up having some interpretation of that power just for the sake of protecting the people.

From gadgets that focus on freezing any enemy, suicide distractions, nanometer-long bots to actively collect data on a monster, all the way to a rumored time travel device that the public believe he may be experimenting on for the nearby future, Child Emperor's list of gadgets is continuously expanding.

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