The young lady smiled at us both before nodding her head.

" por favor disfruta tu estadía"  she told us both.

(* please enjoy your stay*)

I then gave her a warm smile as I grab Storm hand and headed into the building.

After checking in we walked into our room as storm gasp .

" baby this is beautiful, b-but how can we afford this?"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" baby this is beautiful, b-but how can we afford this?"

I walked towards the bed where Storm followed.

" did you forget I'm a billionaire now" I smirk.

She playfully rolled her eyes before wrapping her arms around my neck.

" I love you so, so much sj" she lean down as her soft lips touch my neck.

Goosebumps form as I rubbed my fingers tips against her legs.

" te quiero" I whisper into her ear as a soft moan let out.

(* I love you*)

Picking her up she sat on top of me as I cuffed my arms behind her back to pulled her body closer to me.

" wait, promise you'll be easy on me" she asked

I pulled back at the thought that she wanted me to be easy on her.

Since when was our love ever easy.

" wait you always loved how rough and aggressive I can get What changed?" I joked

She smiled but resumed to kiss my lips before laying me back.

The heat of her body warm up and it made me feel some type of way.

I wanted to devour her right now, but I also knew what she told me so I obeyed.

" before I make you feel good let's get a bath together" I mentioned.

She laugh before removing herself, and we headed for the bathroom that was absolutely amazing.

The Next Morning...

Allowing Storm to rest which she went down early last night, i headed into the kitchen to get breakfast ready.

All I could think about was the mess that we left behind, and how i was glad to be in a safe area with the love of my life.

With the smell of sausage roaming through the air, I heard a giggle coming from behind me.

" and what do you call yourself doing" she said.

Turning around she was only wearing my T-shirt that barely went past her knees.

Her hair was in a messy bun and, she still looked so beautiful.

" I'm attempting to make us breakfast, care to join me?" I offered

" of course because I hate to see this wonderful room burnt down.

We laughed together before giving her a spatula .

Reaching into the fridge I grab her favorite drink before sliding it over to her.

" what's this" she asked.

" a mocha frappe, the drink that you craved for since the first day i met  you". I said

She drop her head before sliding the drink back to me.

" okay wait first you told me to take it easy on you during our love session, and now the drink that you fell in Love with your Turing it down what's going on?"

She grab my hands before turning her chair towards me.

Not sure what she was about to do she gently placed both my palms onto her stomach and smiled.

" I'm pregnant" she announced.

I was perplexed, but yet I kept my hands on her stomach.

" are you serious Storm?, are you really pregnant?"

My eyes stay focused on hers as she nodded her head.

" yes. That's why as much as i wanted that mocha I can't have it"

Never in a million years would I have ever gotten this news from a female.

I still kept my hands on her belly, and all I could do was drop to my knees and place my head near her.

" she's going to be just like her mother" I said.

Lifting back up I kiss her lips once more before bringing Storm into my arms for a hug.

STORM II Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang