#4 You are special

Start from the beginning

-But...it's useless now. 


-Look at the time.

Sam looked at him oddly. He was smiling. As if he was mocking her. 

She didn't understand him. She could understand everything he said but when she put it together, she couldn't understand its meaning. But something led her to look at her watch. And when she did it, she couldn't believe it. Her watch marked two o'clock in the afternoon. Her watch says four hours had passed more or less since she chased after him. 

'But that's impossible. It doesn't make any sense. Did my watch break or something?' 

-You don't believe what you see. 

-Brat, you are too relaxed. Come with me! Let's go back -Sam walk to him and cuffed him just in case he wanted to run away again. To her surprise, he continued smiling, and he let her handcuffed him, without any resistance. She felt something was amiss, but she didn't know what it was. So she decided to ignore it and she took him back to the crime scene. 

But, when they returned, the crowd wasn't there, Julian and most policemen weren't there, only the forensic people were left. Even the body was not there.

-Where is detective Phoenix?-Sam asked one of the few policement left at the scene.

-Huh? Detective Phoenix returned to the station three hours ago.

-What? -'Three hours ago? How can that be?' Sam refused to believe it. Her rational mind couldn't believe it. She had to talk to Julian. She needed to go to the station. So she took him with her. 


She arrived at the station half an hour later. She went to the familiar group of tables where her team was. Julian was discussing with the other members. Surely something about the case. 

Then, Julian looked up and saw her. He looked surprised. 

Sam approached him. When she was about one meter apart, Julian talked to her:

-Where the hell have you been for the last more that four hours?

He was surprised, angry and even worried. Sam was perplexed and a litle guilty. Julian was the closer she had to a father actually. He always took care of her. 

-I...I chased a suspicious person. He knows who the killer is.

-And where is he?

Sam was taken aback.

-Detective, I have him right here by my side -she said a little uncertain.

All the team members eyes looked at her like she was mad, even Julian looked at her like this. Then Julian took large steps towards her, grabbed her right arm and said:

-Come with me.

Sam had known Julian for three years already, but this was the first time he saw her like this. Sam was a little scared.

Julian took her to the nearest closed office and closed the door after they entered. Then he released her arm and looked right to her eyes before asking her:

-Are you on drugs?


-Are you high right now?- Julian insisted.

-No...no. Inspector, I don't do drugs. 

Julian didn't believe her. 

-Then explain to me what were you doing in the last more than four hours!

-I...I went after a suspicious person in the crowd. 


-And I was interrogating him.


-I went back to the crime scene with him and I brought him here.

-So, where is he?

-He was beside me before you took me here.

-Sam, are you too tired lately that you are imaging things now?


-Sam, there was no one beside you. You were alone. 

Sam was starting to be terrified. Did she became insane? But then, since when? Nobody told her there was something wrong with her before. So then, the only variable was Kylian Reagan. 

-Sam if you feel too tired or stressed you could take a few days off.

-No...it won't be necessary. But I think I need to take the rest of today off.

-Approved. Go home Sam, and rest for today. 

-Thank you, detective. 

Sam exited the office and went back to where she had left Kylian. He was just like she has last seen him, except he was no longer handcuffed. The cuffs were nowhere in sight.

-I know you have a lot of questions. But if you do not want to look like a crazy woman don't say anything and just follow me outside. 

Sam couldn't refure anything he said and so she left the station without saying a word. They walked in silence for a while,-he in front she behind- until they arrived at a park, with none other people that could see them. Then, he finally broke up the long silence:

-I think it's best if you sit down on the bench.

They locked eyes once more. Sam knew he was strange, he was different, and there was something distinctive about him. But she didn't want to sit. She wanted to be at his same height while looking at his eyes.

-No need- she said curtly - are you real?

-Yes but, you know that if you were really mad you'd got the same answer right?

-Then...what are you? Why I am the only one who can see you?

-Um...I'm a human but much more advanced, I suppose?

-Huh? Then are you really human?

-Yes, but I'm from a time much more advanced in the future and from another space as well. 

-So you are a human from the future?

-Yes and no. I could be called human but I'm a human much more advanced than you humans of your time. And I'm from other space too. 

-Then...why the others can't see you?

-I told you. You are special.

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