Blast from a past

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I watched as a man with sparkly golden skin ripped something out of mommy's chest, it was red and it moved. Mommy fell to her knees, holding me tightly. The giggling man crushed the red object in his hand, it turned to black dust, and blew away in the wind.

I made a weird noise gaining the mans attention.

"Hello deary" he spoke. I held out my little arms and he slowly picked me up, I giggled and started to touch whatever was in reach. He gave me a mean smile and waved one hand over my small body, as a purple dust like substance fell upon me, I sneezed and started to feel very sleepy so I yawn and closed my eyes.

Some time later I woke up to find daddy holding me and crying, I smiled and pulled his hair and started to giggle he looked into my eyes and cried even more, he put me in my crib and sat away from me and started to drink something. I made many noises to gain his attention but he never looked over, he just looked at a photograph and ignored me. I began to wail. Yet each of my attempts at gaining his attention were ignored.

Days passed and daddy never once gave me any attention, having Mr. Smee feed and changed me. I spent my time crying, begging for daddy just too look at me, but it seemed as if he couldn't hear me. Weeks passed by, and I stopped crying, and begging for him, knowing that he wouldn't answer my feeble attempts.

One day I was playing with my toes, curious little things they are, when he did come to my crib, he sat and watched me for a bit, I giggled happy to have him gazing at me again. But something was different this time. His face stayed stoic, and hard. He did not make the normal loving faces. He did not smile at me and giggle with me. He did not bend over to caress me. But he picked me up, holding me gently. Not looking down once. He carried me out of the room. Without giving me another look, he handed me to Mr. Smee.

"Are you sure you want to do this cap'n?" He asked. I was casted a sad look.

"Her eyes, their just like my beloved Mailah's, I can't stand to look into them anymore, and it's not fair to her. I cannot give her the love nor attention she requires. This is for her own good. Someone will find and raise her, better then we ever will" daddy walked away, out of my sight.

I knew mommy had gone away and guessed that to be the reason why Daddy was crying so much, I had grieved for her but I knew nothing could bring her back, so I accepted that she was gone.

We were stationed in. The top deck. The sky was not blue. But grey and white. The sun did not shine today.

Mr. Smee walked off the ship that had lulled me to sleep so many times. Together we continued our journey to who knows where. The sky was soon replaced by trees. Tall and dark, quiet but filled with different noises. I babbled to Smee about all the curiosities. From time to time he would glance down and patted my chest before rewrapping the blanket. Not long after he placed me into a basket that he had brought and covered me with another blanket in it.

"Be a good girl and sleep Scarlett" he spoke as he rocked the basket, and I couldn't help myself, my eye lids were so heavy, the not so salty air was fresh and rejuvenating, that my eyes fell by them selves and I was surround by comforting darkness.

When I woke I was alone, it was dark and I was hungry, hoping they were near by, I started to wale, I cried and screamed thrashing my arms and legs, pushing the blanket off my body. Not my smartest idea, because not only was I hungry and scared, I was cold now to.

After who knows how long of continuing, a woman's voice was heard.

"What is that in sufferable racket?" She screamed.

"It's coming from over their my queen, I will find the source." I heard another deeper voice say. Soon a man came into my view and I froze in awe. Finally! A saviour had come for me. I reached up too him, hoping he will care for me.

"Lord have mercy. A child. You must be freezing, and probably hungry. Let's get ya outta her."

He bent down and picked up the basket and started to walk. We were off on another adventure. But he did stop rather soon after we started.

"I have found the source of noise. It's a baby your majesty"

A woman with black hair came into view. She was beautiful. She looked at me, with those brown eyes, as if she was seeing my soul. I was speechless.

We stared at each other for another minuet or so. Her faces stayed stoic, but her eyes gleamed with, happiness.

"Give her to me" she demanded. The man set the basket down and handed me to the woman. I started to cry. I was so hungry, and cold. Being a tired and fussy two month old was not fun.

"There is a note in here my queen" the same man that saved me said.

The woman stared at me giving me an odd smile before making a bottle appear and feeding me. I greedily gulped it down.

"What does it say?" She sneered.

"That her name is Scarlett" he bowed, handing her the note.

The queen nodded and got into a carriage. After two bottles of milk I fell into a deep sleep.

Evil Queens pov

We were looking for Snow White, and her group of followers. But something felt... different magic was near. I ordered the carriage to stop and I got out.

"My queen?" Quincy was a loyal guard.

There was a whaling sound and How obnoxious it was. Trying to think with that racket...

I sent Quincy to go and find the source. He returned soon after carrying a quiet basket. The noise had stopped. She was the source of magic.
But those eyes, held such innocence, such admiration.. I had recently started to want a child of my own.

I had her handed to me and she started to fuss. she must be hungry, after all she's been abandon in the woods. I had a bottle of milk appear and I started to feed her.

I decided to give up for the day of searching for the wretched Snow White and her beloved.

We were on are way back to my castle.

Scarlett, what a pretty name I thought to myself. I rocked her gently, watching her breath, and enjoying the moment.

The carriage was silent, but I could feel the sudden, and very new but old presence. Rumplestilskin had graced us with his presence.
"What do you want?", I sneered finally looking up.

"Hello deary" he smiled until he finally caught a glimpse of I cradled so tightly in my arms. his smile gone.

"Where did you find that deary?" His face was dark.his fingers tapped together under his chin.

"She was abandoned in the woods, do you feel her magic?" I asked as I looked at the precious gem in my arms.

"It's not magic deary, but of coarse the student has not yet, nor ever, surpassed her master" he paused to giggle. "It's a curse".

"And you know how?" I sneered.

"Cus I'm the one that cursed her" he continued to giggled.

"Why? Who is she" I was curious, and this left me wondering.

"You know of beloved Mailah. We'll meet her and Killian Jones beast" he spoke disgustedly.

"You cursed her because you were upset" us villains understood each other, we all shared each other's pain. Rumple didn't reply after that.

"What's her curse?" I was curious.

He cackled before he answered. "After the age of three, she will stop ageing until she meets, her true love" he spoke darkly. Neither of us believed in true love, hence her curse. I felt stiff. And perhaps a shred of sadness for the young child.

I went to speak again but he was gone. I again for umpteen time since I received her, gazed down at the sleeping form, and pondered about what to do with her.

Once we arrived back to my castle I walked towards my room, Scarlettt still asleep in my arms. I went to the room next to mine and used my magic to decorate it for a baby girl, it had been decided, I was keeping her. She will always be my precious little girl.

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