Chapter Two

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Henry's pov

Scar was yelling at me to run, but I couldn't, I was frozen to the spot I stood in. Scarlett walked over to me, and stepped on my toes making me wince in pain. I was about to scream, Tamara was coming up be hide her, but I was to late..

I'm sorry..

Tamara held a knife to her throat and threatened that if I ran that she would kill my big sister, so I listened, and stayed where I was.

We could hear Greg's moans of pain, and Scarlett and I snickered at her work. When Greg finally got up he grabbed Scarlett tied her feet together and started to beat her. I was yelling at him to stop. If I had listened to her to first time..if I had warned her.. none of this would be happening.. I felt horrible, disgusted.

Tamara just laughed as she was trying to get the radio thing to work so she could contact the home office.

"It's not working" Tamara yelled.

Hot and fresh tears fell down my face, there on the cold ground of the forest laid my sisters bloody and bruised body. I ran over to her and rolled her onto her back, placing her head in my lap. Her face was all bloody, and bruised. I couldn't imagine how she felt. I sat and brushed her hair out of her face, and looked at the monsters that did this to her, to us. Greg had started a fire when a black looking ghost came and grabbed his soul? No his shadow. Greg fell to the ground lifeless while Tamara started to scream and ran over to him. I could feel Scarlett turning her head to see what the commotion was all about. I glanced at her and looked back at Tamara and the now dead Greg when a bunch of boys came out of the forest. The leader pointed to us and commands his lost boys to get us.

Tamara and Scarlett screamed at me to run, and this time I did.

I ran and ran and ran until I tripped on a log, I was just about to fall when someone grabbed my shirt and pulled me be hide a large tree surrounded by bushes.

Scarlett's Perspective

I jolted feeling nothing but pain, and a horrible head ache. I groaned, it hurt so badly, the images of what happened bounced around and around in my skull.

Henry! God I hope your okay.. please be okay

I couldn't help but worry about my baby brother. If he's okay, if he's alive, I have to find him. No matter what. I promised Henry I'd find him. But, where was I?

I tried to lean up and into a sitting position, but it hurt my ribs to much.

Persevere, you can do it!

After a number of embarrassing attempts I for now decided, to rest. I need to preserve energy. I sill don't know where I am, or why I'm here. Perhaps Tamara actually survived? So many questions...such a head ache...

I knew I wasn't on the ground? How odd.

I was in tree tops from the look out the window. My key escape route if I could just sit up.

Let's see..theres the bed I laid in, a nightstand; a cupboard; a bear skin rug, and a table full of maps and other nick nacks.

A treehouse?

Make another attempt. The last I seen: Henry ran away. Must find him.

The door was pushed opened and a boy with bright green eyes and short brown hair entered.

I immediately stopped all motion, laying still as a turtle on my back.

It was almost pure silence, 'cept for the sounds of nature.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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