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After that night, something happened. I never expected it to be true, but I guess love really does exist. After that night Scarlett started to age. Raising my children was the most amazing, experience of my life, and I love every single moment of it. Scar and Henry were as thick as thieves, partners in crime, both as well behaved as ever.

Until one night Henry started asking about his birth mother but I told him it was closed adoption, when He asked me about his birth mom, it hurt me. Was I not good enough for him? I may have not have given birth to him, but I did raise him! And I have done a damn good job so far! But Henry's curiosity got the best of him and it didn't help that his blasted teacher; Marry-Margret, gave him and Scarlett a book of well, all of us. Everyone's story was in that book, mine, snow whites, Cinderella's, Red Riding Hood all of them. Etched in ink on paper.

Henry and Scarlett are smart, too smart for there ages, they think I'm the evil queen, but no matter how much I deny it, they won't believe me.

In so doing Henry and Scarlett left Storybrook in search of Henry's birth mother Emma Swan.

Emma was brought back to storybrook, and from then on, she ruined everything.

She found her parents; Snow White and Prince Charming or in this realm Marry-Margaret and David. She broke storybrooks curse and now, everyone remembers everything and her and Henry became close within a very short time period, which hurt more then anything. I was his mother not her!! She gave him up, she closed the adoption so that he could never get ahold of her, she gave up her right as his mother the day she handed him over to me. She ruined everything, and Scarlett? Was beyond happy for them both, no one every stopped to think about me or my feelings.

One thing was still clear, no one knew who Scarlett's real parents were. Hook never had the chance to see her after the abandonment, and I have never shared to another soul. Rumple had kept his word. Hook hasn't recognized her, but something within her, hated him. I bathed in that victory that she would always be my angel

But now two weirdos have kidnapped my children. I will stop at nothing to get them both back, and when I found who is be hide all of this, I will ripe out there heart and crush it between my bare hands. They will wish they never messed with me, watch out. Momma bears on the lose, and boy am I pissed.

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