Once upon a time..

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Regina's (evil queen) pov

It's been 15 years since I adopted my sweet little angel. 13 years since I started a cruse, and 10 since I adopted another child.

Scarlett hasn't aged a day over a 3 year old. In the time that I've had her she's become mummy's little sweetheart. She's learned how to say a few words and to walk on her own, and for an infant she never cries.

13 years ago I casted The Dark Curse. Out of vengeance and angst against Snow White. The curse is responsible for the bringing the Enchanted Forest inhabitants to the Land Without Magic. A place where everyone is trapped in the town of Storybrooke, Maine.

Stripped of their past life memories, they are given false ones thanks to the curse's effects. Of coarse I'm still in charge, but instead of Queen Regina I'm now Mayor Regina of storybrook.

I did adopt another child, his name is Henry. I still had a void in my life, even though I have Scarlett, she will never age and because of that the void in my life was never fully filled. Don't get me wrong I love my daughter, and I wouldn't give her up or change anything for the world, but now she has a brother even if she doesn't fully understand that. Henry and I have had some bumps in the road, in the beginning I didn't think I could handle him. He always cried, and that freaked me out, I almost gave him up. but then I looked at my daughter and said to myself, I have been raising infant for 15 years, I can raise another. And so I have.

So far everything in storybrook has been good, no one remembers each other or what has happened in the enchanted forest.

I have been as close to happiness as ever. My life was perfect and I wouldn't ever want to change that.

I was just about to put Scarlett and Henry to bed.

"Mommy, stowy?" My little princess asked, her big blue eyes begging, I could hardly say no to her. At this point in time Henry was 10 months old, and was already fast asleep in his crib.

"Which one honey?" I walked away from the bean bag chair and towards the little bookshelf, where all of the Disney books were.

"Pam!" She exclaimed, jumping on her bed. Of coarse, Peter Pan was her favourite.

I grabbed the book and we cuddled together as I read her the fabled story, by the end she was asleep.

Scooping her up in my arms I tucked her into her toddler princess bed, kissed her forehead and turned off the bedroom light, the night light was on but I still kept the door open just in case.

I decided to watch some tv and have a bowl of ice cream, and just relax.

I suddenly awoke with a jolt, something was wrong, some one was in my home! Henry!! Scarlett!! I quickly used magic and appeared in their room. They were both safe and okay, still fast asleep in bed.

But the window was open, and their stood a boy no older then 17. The darkness of the room covering him in shadows, but his eyes shined a bright green.

Balls of fire appeared in my hands, I was pissed. "Who the hell are you?!" I demanded.

"My name is not important right now, just know that some day I will be back, to take what is mine." And with that he flew away. The balls of fire leaving as he did.

I spent the next few hours placing every protectment enchantment I could think of all around the room. Making sure that no amount of magic could break them, making sure that only I could ever open and close that window. Making sure that my children were safe from harm.

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