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Mollie lay in bed next to Lexie as she slept. Mollie didn't know how she felt over being back on the street.Mollie sighed as she stood from her bed and walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Carla. Carla looked to mollie and smiled

"you look tired did you sleep okay?" Carla asked

"a bit I don't know. Lexie has been kicking. I can't share a bed with her. I need to get my own place somewhere" mollie said as Carla looked to her and frowned

"I thought you were staying" Carla asked as mollie looked to her and sighed

"I don't know, I said I would but now I just don't know I mean with nick being around. The longer I stay around the sooner he will realise and as much as I love you and being back I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can actually let them not you know what he was like. He slept with me to get to use and she wasn't planned and I don't want him to know about her and think he has a right in her life" mollie said as Carla smiled

"you know he is not that guy. He has changed" Carla said as mollie looked to her and sighed not knowing what to do

Mollie asked out of the cafe and frowned as she saw nick. He looked to her and smiled

"so how long are you staying. Are you back for good?" He asked as she smiled "why missing someone to use for sex? I thought you were Leanne" mollie said as he looked to her and smiled

"it's complicated but I am and I was always curious and I am sorry for what I did to you I should of never used you. I wanted to make Carla pay but I really am sorry. Besides I thought you would be staying with her" nick said as mollie smiled

"yeah well it's a bit crowded and I need my own place" mollie said as nick looked to her and smiled

"of course well I am sorry but I am always here for you. You do know that" he said as she smiled.

"Of course I have to go" mollie said as she walked off towards the flat.

Mollie knew her head was a mess and she didn't know if she wanted to stay on the street but she knew if Nick knew she'd have to choose in it all

Mollie walked back to the flat and smiled as she sat next to the Lexie

"hi baby" mollie said as she wrapped an arm around her and smiled as she kissed the top of her head.

Mollie knew she'd do anything to keep Lexie safe and she loved her baby girl but she was scared that it was over not going to be so long before the truth came out and she was terrified but little did mollie knew just how close Nick was to learning the truth and how once he discovered Lexie that things were going to be far from simple with them both and that things would change forever

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