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Mollie Connor sighed to herself as she walked back into the cobbles. It had been a long time since she had been away from weatherfield.

She had left after a one night stand with nick Tisley. Mollie knew it was a stupid mistake and how he had slept with her to get back at her mum for sleeping with Robert. Mollie had left the street with her mum before she discovered how her night with nick had changed everything. She was only seventeen and she was young

"Lexie, come on" mollie said as her three year old daughter stood from the car. Mollie looked to Lexie and smiled. Lexie was her world and she knew that it was a risk coming back here with Lexie

Lexie was nicks and she knew that she couldn't tell him. He had used her to get to carla and she had already managed to look after their three year old just fine on her own for three years and she wasn't going to see him.

She needed to see her mum. She was in trouble and she needed help. Mollie glanced around making sure that no one saw her as she picked up lexie as she walked off into the pub. Carla had her back to her

"were closed" Carla said

"mum" mollie said as Carla turned to face her and frowned

"what happened?" Carla asked as Lexie looked to her and sighed

"I need your help" mollie said

Mollie sat in the back room as Lexie sat colouring in. Mollie looked to her and sighed "what happened?" Carla asked

"I got involved in something I shouldn't of, this guy. I got involved with him, I was going to college. I was getting a career and being a mum until he was killed. He was killed by some gang and now they want me to pay his debts. It's not safe there and I'm scared, they said they'd hurt Lexie and I didn't know what to do" mollie said as Carla looked to her and smiled

"your going to stay here" Carla said as mollie sighed

"I'm twenty one mum, I'm a big girl"

"I know but your still my daughter and I am worried over you, I am worried over what you are involved in. If you work do it for me then do it for Lexie" Carla said as mollie looked to Lexie and smiled

"I can't, he will know about her. When we left the street I didn't even know and if he sees her then he will work it out" mollie said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"it's been three years, he would find out eventually" Carla said as mollie looked to her and sighed, mollie was scared of nick finding out over Lexie

she knew he'd want to be involved and that scared her as she didn't want him to take Lexie away from her

Mollie sighed to herself as she stood unpacking her car. She glanced across the street and saw nick with Leanne and sighed. She wasn't surprised at all that they would be back together.

She grabbed her bags out of the car as she saw nick as they made eye contact, for a moment before she walked off as shoe grabbed one of Lexie toys

"your dropped this" nick said as he handed her the small teddy back. Mollie looked to him for a moment and smiled

"thanks" she said as she took it from him and sighed.

Nick wasn't stupid, he knew that mollie could have a child but little did he know it was his child

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