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Mollie sat in the flat with Carla and Lexie. She looked to Lexie as she sat playing with her toys and sighed

"I can't stay here mum. Me and Lexie are okay I don't need him sticking into her life because of a one night stand. She is better off with me. I know how he treated you" mollie said as Carla looked to her and smiled

"I know about nick and what he did but I know how I hurt him and I cheated on him and how nothing will be the same again because I cheated and I know what he did and how he used you but you got Lexie and you need my help after all and nick will find out about Lexie eventually and he isn't stupid and she will have questions, questions of who her daddy is" Carla said as mollie looked to her and sighed.

Mollie knew Nick was Lexie father and that she had ran into him but he hadn't met Lexie and she knew once he did he would know who she was.

Mollie looked up as Lexie walked over to her. She smiled and picked her up. "Bacon."

"I see she has your addiction to bacon. She's a cute one."

"Yeah. She loves bacon. I'll take her to Roy's and get her something. Do you know where Nick will be?" Mollie asked as she looked at her.

Carla shook her head. "No. But I don't think you'll see him. He has a hectic life."


Mollie took Lexie to Roy's cafe. Roy smiled. "Hello again Mollie."

"Hi Roy. Can I have two bacon sandwiches and a chocolate shake please?"

Roy nodded. "Sit down and I'll bring them over."


Mollie left Lexie with Johnny and Jenny. She was walking through the street when she saw Nick. He walked over to her and smiled. "So. Didn't think I'd see you again."

Mollie nodded. "Well my mum lives around here. So I thought I had to come back at some point. I had to be with my mum. And the rest of my family," she said. She didn't want to tell him about Lexie.

She didn't want him to get his claws into her. She was pure and innocent. Nick was toxic. Nick looked at her. "You look good. You've a glow."

Mollie rolled her eyes. She nodded. "Thanks. I should go. I have stuff to do. I'll... see you around," she said as she walked off.

Nick stood watching her as she walked off. He knew she was hiding something from him. And he didn't know what it was. But it was something that involved him.

Mollie was sitting in the flat with Carla. Lexie was fast asleep. Carla looked at her and smiled. "So. You spoke to Nick? Did you tell him about madam there?" She asked.

Mollie shook her head. "No. And I don't want to tell him. Because she's pure and innocent. And he's toxic. I don't want her around that."

Carla said nothing. She knew it wouldn't be long before Nick found out. And she didn't know if Mollie could handle it all. But could with Carla fighting her own demons, could she stand by her daughter.

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