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Mollie knew that things were hard and she knew how torn that she felt over Isla and all that happened.

Mollie was worried and scared and she knew how she wanted her sister in her life but she knew that she didn't know what to say to Isla to make her feel better.

Mollie say in bed and smiled as Lexie curled into her chest and smiled. Mollie ran a hand through her hair and looked to Lexie. She knew how she hadn't been feeling well and she knew that all of the drama it made her realise how she had to do what was best to Lexie

Mollie stood from the bed and smiled as she stood up and saw Carla and smiled as she looked to her

"You did to talk to Isla. She is on about leaving and the last thing I want is to loose my sister. She needs to know over her father and he he is the reason that she went Into care. None of it is your fault" Mollie said as Carla looked to her and smiled

Carla knew what a mess it was and how the last thing that she wanted was to upset Isla. But she knew it would only be so long before Isla found out the truth and Carla hated herself for it

She hated how she didn't fight for her little girl and how she had ended up in care. Carla knew that she wanted to do the right thing

Mollie stood in the factory and looked to see nick as he Walked in

"Daddy" Lexie said as she ran over to him as nick picked her up and smiled

"Hey what are you doing here" Nick asked as he walked over to mollie and smiled.

Mollie knew that things were tense between then and how they had hooked up a few times but she had no idea what to do over it all

"I sick" Lexie said as mollie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"She's not she's got a cough and she has a cold. She's fine" mollie said as nick smiled

"I thought that we could talk over meh scoff her more bang I can take you for dinner at the weekend and we can talk over it" nick said as mollie looked to him and smiled

"That sounds like a good idea. Come on lex, let's go and get some dinner" mollie said as nick looked to her and smiled

Mollie sat in the flat as she heard a knock. She stood up and answered the door as she saw Isla and frowned as she saw that she was crying

"What happened"

"Mum she told me over my dad and how he took me from her. How he abandoned me and how that's why I went into care. Why didn't she try and get me back" Isla said as mollie smiled

"She did but I was sick and she couldn't it's not her fault. Look I know it's hard but I am here for you and it is going to be okay" mollie said as Isla smiled.

Mollie had no idea just how complicated that things were going to become

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