Part II

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Mina found herself surrounded by silence in the empty room. After one of the servants came in to bathe and clothe her, Mina had not moved from the wheelchair that she had been placed onto. Her head was casted downwards and her hands were fisted on the arm rests.

Her mind was blank and her eyes were unfocused. God only knows what a hell it has been these past two months and she wondered why her...A silent tear fell from her right eye. One that will lead many more to come as it has done for the past three days after her legs were cut. Cut. Cut. And a sob past through her lips. She wanted her own body to swallow her so that she could pretend she was never put into this place. So that she would have never been alive to experience this.

The silence enhanced every sound and at that moment Mina wiped her eyes dry. There were footsteps approaching the door and whoever it was, they were not going to get the satisfaction of seeing her cry her agony out.

When the door opened, the figure presented itself in a bright cheerful manner. "Hello love!" they said while presenting a smile so radiant that no one would have believed the types of evil this man had done. "You look absolutely beautiful." Jimin gestured towards Mina's short white dress. "My little doll," he smirked with darkened eyes. That was her role today, to be a lifeless doll. One that could lay in place without uttering a word and quite honestly the task was not difficult to accomplish. And this is what he wanted. For her to depend on him for everything and she hated that he was accomplishing just that.

Jimin approached Mina's stiff body and squatted down to get closer towards her face. Like a falling petal, he delivered a soft kiss towards her cheek and she flinched. Not meeting him eye to eye in order to not ignite another action of affection, Mina used her loose hair as a shield to hide her face. "Good morning," he softly whispered and she did not bother to respond. " is polite to respond back, you know." He straightened his back and placed his hand over Mina's head, patting it.

Seeing as she was not respondent he gave a sigh in defeat. "Alright. Have it your way." It was silent for a while with Jimin petting and admiring his little doll. As if she was not a human with emotion, one that had been used, abused and tormented emotionally.

Jimin separated himself from her and started walking towards the door, "why don't we go down to eat?" Mina's face stayed blank and Jimin paused, "Oh wait. Right," he chuckled in mock. The hate and the vengeance were burning her blood, pumping it to take drastic measures to make him feel an equal pain, but she could only glare at him and Jimin ignored the look. He returned back to Mina and carried her out of the room and down the grand stair towards the dining room.

As they were getting seated on the grand and unnecessary large table, the servants had already set the brunch, however Mina made no move to eat any of it.

Why such a huge house? Why the unnecessary space? Maybe if he was in a more modest house he wouldn't feel so lonely in this mansion and maybe all this could have been prevented.

"Why are you not eating?" He questioned as he chewed his current bite.

"I don't feel like eating," Mina responded. He gave another sigh and got up. The low scratch of a chair moving had Mina in alert and she readies herself to fight if she needed to.

Jimin approached her and got near her face once more. "I advise you to eat, it is not good to go on hungry throughout the day, hhm." He gently picked up a portion of the egg danish accompanied by kimchi with a spoon and raised it toward her lips for a bite. "We may even go to the garden if you eat it all." With the spoon near her lips, Mina refused to accept anything from him and did not open her mouth.

"My patience is running low sweets. Eat." An angry vain graced his forehead as he tries to keep in his patience, although it was difficult. Staying still as a rock, Mina challenged him.

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