Chapter 13

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        Hermione spent the next week healing and reveling in the fact that there were no traces left of D.H. Theo couldn't see her anymore, and his beast was more than angry about that. Harry hadn't come back to the hospital since he had left the first day she woke up, and so Theo kept Hermione company. She was beginning to feel more like herself without D.H but the depression that had hit her without Harry crushed her spirits.

      "You know I think wizards have hated muggles for centuries because they knew they could never win at these games!" The pair had been playing go fish! a muggle card game for about an hour, and not once had Theo beaten Hermione. She giggled and moved her legs to the floor, waiting for her best friend to help her walk. It had become a routine, Theo brought all of her school work from Hogwarts and Hermione completed it in hardly any time at all. They would play meaningless games for hours and then Theo would help Hermione do laps around St. Mungo's.

       Theo flicked his dark hair out of his face and then grabbed his friend by the waist as she eased herself onto the floor. "You know you don't have to help like that," Hermione whispered. Theo chuckled, and moved his hands to where she could wrap her arm through his. "I know you do it on purpose."

     "I am just a good citizen and helping my best friend walk again. I have no ill intentions, you dirty minded girl."

Hermione chuckled again, and the pair walked in silence like they did often. Theo took her pain away when they were together and she found herself developing an attachment to not only their friendship but his presence as well. Not to mention when D.H still lived inside of her, he was the only one who truly understood her demons. But her newfound appreciation for Theo didn't blind her from the love for Harry that was completely consuming.

Some days Hermione didn't want to do her rounds, and her body felt paralyzed from heartache. She wouldn't let herself feel guilty though, she knew she made the right decision by wanting to protect Harry. She missed him more than her heart knew how to handle, and constantly she was plagued with emotions so strong that even Theo would freeze up when they were together. "I have to tell you something," Theo whispered to her as they squeezed past a group of nurses.

     Her heart pounded harder in her chest. So many people had been lost in the war and now hearing those words brought back the panic that she had felt while on the run. "Is everything okay?"

     Theo's eyes darkened in a mixture of emotions that Hermione couldn't decipher. "When I hit you with that spell I was so surprised that you were hurt. Our demons that we have - the one that you had inside of you - they heal all injuries we have. I could cut my hand and five minutes later there would be no remnants of an injury. Something inside of you shifted, and luckily for the better since it seems like your demon is gone.

    "But the nurses have been talking, and I don't think you're completely cured, Mione. And that is more of an issue than you're aware of -"

    Hermione shook her head, though the action immediately made her lightheaded. She still hadn't regained all of her strength and the stronger her emotions got, the weaker she was. "No, she's gone. I would know if she was there."

   Theodore used his other hand to tighten his grip on his friend, sorry showing in his eyes. "She was injured by that spell just like you were, Hermione. She may just be taking her own time to recoup too." When Hermione began to open her mouth to speak, Theo lead them to a bench outside and continued his thought. "The Daily Prophet reported this terrorist group that is searching for people.. bad people Hermione."

    The bench was cold beneath her, and the wind blew her thin hospital gown. She was beyond ready to get back into normal clothes, and go home. Hermione wanted to cuddle her mom while she sobbed about the heartaches she had been locking away in her mind. The thoughts that she had been having were overwhelming and just like everyday, Hermione tried to let go of it all just for the one hour that they were able to go outside.

     The wind was cold on her face but Hermione welcomed the nature's pain, it was better than the other pain she had been feeling. "The ministry is also looking for bad people, Theo. If you have something to tell me, please just tell me straight, I would like to relax."

   Theo stood from the bench and knelt in front of his best friend, their eyes locking in one second of silence. "This group is killing people like us, Hermione. They're looking for you, me, and Draco. They want to punish us for having these demons put inside of us. From what I've heard, they've been testing them, dissecting people just like us until they die from overexertion."

Hermione's heart felt weird. It was beginning to become hard to breathe and her chest was heavy. Clutching a hand to her chest, Hermione huffed out a breath into the cold air. "You need to hide," she finally said, gripping onto Theo's hands tightly with fear in her eyes. She quickly stood and ripped Theo off of the ground, pulling with all of her weakened muscle to the doors of the hospital. "Theo, you can't just be out in plain sight! You need to go back to Hogwarts, it's safe there!"

Theo tried to stop Hermione but she was determined now. Flashbacks of all of those lost in the war flashed through her mind and tears began to fall down her cheeks unknowingly. "Hermione, please -"

     "No!" She yelled, finally stopping just ten feet away from the doors. She was gripping Theo's hand so tightly his fingers were beginning to go numb. "You're my best friend, Theo. Don't you understand that? You're my best friend now, no matter how little time we have spent together in this life. I have lost so many people in this world and I refuse to lose you too! Please, Theo, just go back -" Hermione knew she needed a driving force to make him leave her in the hospital, so she closed her eyes and dove deep into her heart to try and tell the truth. "- you make me feel different. There's something between us that, I just can't explain. But I want to figure it out with you, so please Theo just give me more time."

    Theodore Nott closed his eyes to focus on his surroundings. The chilly morning air, the hand wrapped around his own, and the warmth that was running from their bodies to each other. He wanted to soak in the butterflies that were flying circles in his stomach but he knew where her heart truly lay. Nonetheless, Theo took her bait. "Okay, you're right. I'll go back to Hogwarts for you, Mione. Just until we know that things have passed and it's safe again."

     Hermione let out a sigh of relief and pulled him into her arms, sniffing out the last of her tears. "I'll be there soon, I promise. Nothing is going to happen to either of us."


Ahhh, hi!! Don't be mad at me! I'm sorry it took so long, but with the holidays I was on a vacation and I just got rid of my writers block!  I hope you enjoyed it, and know that the next chapter will be a lot sooner! I'm finally to the events that I have been waiting a long time and planning for!! Please vote and leave comments! Let me know how your 2021 has started out!

    Happy New Year everyone!

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