Chapter 18

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For the next couple of months, it was hard for Hermione. Things were going great with Harry, Theo, and even Ron had come around, but she knew that she was missing a part of herself. Since her angel, had come out of her body, they were able to give her a proper funeral and burial, something Hermione was sure she would have loved. Graduation was nearing in a month, something that seemed so strange. Things were just about as mundane as they could have wanted. They were studying for exams like crazy, having fun at late night parties in the common rooms, and watching Quidditch. It was weird to think that all of the crazy things in their lives were now over.

"Hermione, can you help me with this please? I can't remember what McGonagall said about this spell." Hermione turned her head away from the open window and to her best friend. It hadn't taken very long after everyone returned to Hogwarts for Harry and Theo to finally accept their friendship that had been slowly forming while searching for Hermione. On the other hand, it took Ron two months just to be in the same room as the Slytherin without ending it in a screaming fit. Now, at the beginning of June, they were all able to comfortably hang out as a group.

Theo was undoubtably her best friend. Harry and Ron were too of course, but Theo and her had bonded in a way that no one else could compare. They had shared a demon, and it brought them closer to the very day. After a month of raiding Cormac's hide out, they found his side kicks, and even were able to create a cure for Theo, Draco, and other people like them. Hermione and Harry were back together, and it seemed nothing could tear them apart again, and Hermione was more than grateful. She wasn't sure if she could go through another heartbreak. She scooted over to her friend, and ran her hand over the pages of the book, helping him with his homework.

"Do you think it's strange how much this year has changed everything for us?" She asked, her eyes flitting back to the sky where she pictured her angel to be. "I mean, I would have never guessed that we would be here now."

Theo's eyes found the sky too, thinking the same thoughts as her. It had been terrifying seeing someone who looked exactly like his best friend dead. It was scary, but now he felt for her, and wished there was something he could do. Instead, he pulled her into his chest and rubbed her head soothingly, flattening her hair. "I do think it is quite extraordinary how everything changed in the matter of seconds, but I would never take it back. We need each other. I know that now."

The two sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until Harry and Ron turned the corner of the library. Months ago, Harry would have felt heartbroken and distraught at the sight of Hermione in Theo's embrace. He would have stormed away and thought about it all night. Now, he knew that she needed him just as much as she had always needed him and Ron. There was no fighting it anymore. Either she was his, or not. There was no in between.

Hermione and Theo heard the two approach them and pulled away, her eyes immediately lighting up at the sight. Harry came to her and kissed her swiftly on the lips, then settled on the table next to her. "Hello, Darling...Theo."

Theo blew Harry a kiss, "Hello love, how has your day been?" The two began a conversation about the party that was happening that night in the Ravenclaw common room, and Hermione turned to Ron. They hadn't spent much time together throughout that school year, and Hermione wanted him to know she didn't love him any less.

     "Hello, Ronald. How are you?"
     Ron's eyes lit up as he sat across from her at the table. "I'm well, Lavender and I are going to Hogsmeade next weekend and I'm quite excited. It helps me forget about all of the studying I am supposed to be doing." Hermione rolled her eyes. Ron grabbed her hands in his, "How are you, Hermione?"

     "I'm doing better," she sighed. "Time heals right? That's what I'm counting on." Ron rubbed his thumb over Hermione's hand and she knew that was as close as they were going to get to support. Ron had his own special way of showing his love for his friends and although it wasn't in the touchy way that Theo or Harry chose, she accepted it just how it was. Hermione had decided to take a break from her powers, the new ones she had gotten with her Beastie, and tried to limit her magic use altogether. The use was just a reminder of all she had lost. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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