Chapter 17

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Hermione didn't know how she was going to protect Harry without letting her master know that she was free from his control. She wanted to keep up the facade for as long as she could so she could get more information, maybe see his chambers even, but it didn't look like she'd be able to do that. She had learned some though, like how the master had planned to use all of the beasts to his advantage.

Draco Malfoy was under his control, and stood in the back of the room next to Hermione, his eyes a bright yellow. Hermione was almost positive that he was fully gone though, because without her newfound powers she would have been a stoic soldier just like him. The room was cold, and without her adrenaline, Hermione would be shivering. The white of their outfits and the masks was bright against everything in the room, and Hermione had to pinch herself to ensure she would not drop her facade. She still wasn't completely sure of her Master's plan, but she knew he intended to hurt the love of her life and potentially her best friend if they captured him too, and Hermione would not allow that to happen.

While in the confinement of her cell after returning from getting Harry, Hermione realized that the Master thought she was a soldier, which lead him to take off her power dampening handcuffs. This allowed her to practice the powers she had shown in the battle. She knew how to fully control her shield, both on herself and someone else, and she could redirect powers however she wanted. She also discovered, with the help of her demon, that she could absorb powers now; like how she had done with the electricity when she was being tortured. "Hermione, I love you so much. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, no matter what happens here."

Hermione forced her yellow eyes to stay in front, though her heart was breaking. Harry thought that he was going to die, and Hermione was determined to make sure he didn't get a scratch. When her Master came in, wand in hand, Hermione forced a protective shield around Harry. This would leave her vulnerable, but as long as her capturer thought that she was mindless, she would be okay. Now, she tried to force her way into Harry's mind. 'Pretend like it hurts.' She repeated this time and time again, hoping that he could hear her.

"The chosen one, our savior. It really does pain me to do this, but our dear Hermione won't share what she knows and this is the only way I know how to do it. I know there are more demons in Hogwarts, but I don't know where to start."

Harry's eyebrows furrowed. "You just want to get rid of evil, right?" The man nodded. "Why don't we work together? You don't have to capture and torture all of these innocent people who have just about as much information about their condition as you do. We can help them, find a cure for them -"

The man shook his head, and Hermione was intrigued. This was the most amount of emotion he had truly shown while she was there. "I don't want to cure them, Potter. They're long gone now, no one can be saved from the demons that roam their minds. We just got rid of the dark lord and I refuse for there to be any more evil in our world."

Harry struggled against the bonds that held him to the table. "You're the evil in this world! They aren't hurting anyone, they haven't hurt anyone. Let me help them - her - and then there won't be anymore demons other than you."

     Hermione knew that the more infuriated the man became, the worse Harry's punishment would be. "Harry Potter must not speak."

    The man in white came around the table to fiddle with Hermione's curls, and she swore she knew the smell - cinnamon and cold air. Harry thrashed against his binds, but Hermione held strong. She would wait for her perfect time to strike, and now was not it. She wanted to get Harry out of there, and figure out who this man was. "Don't you see? No one can be saved from their demons - not even the Brightest Witch of Her Age. If they're not already gone by the time they get to me, they'll be gone after me. Take him -" he pointed to Draco standing in the corner, "for instance. We snatched him up right in Hogsmeade, and he was still attached to his former prat self. Now there's nothing but the soldier we have made him left."

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