Chapter 10 | Lollipop

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TW // Harassment

Yanna's POV

"For the fuck's sake Yanna, stop drinking!" I bit my lips as I'm breathing heavily. I don't wanna cry in front of many people. "Look at yourself!" Justin exclaimed.

"Alright! I know I'm a mess!" I wiped my tears forcefully as it falls unconsciously.

I'm at the bar, a drinking mess again. I was overthinking about what Heeseung told me. No. He was not just drunk. He mean it.

And I felt like I am the worst. I'm not enough and I'm not even the half of enough. I made my boyfriend feel like that, I feel like I'm the worst.

"For how many fucking times would I tell you that you have a weak and low alcohol tolerance?" he gripped on my wrist and pulled me closer to him to fix my messed up clothes. "You don't have to drink."

"I just want to forget—"

"You lost your memory and you wanted more?" he asked sarcastically. 

"Stop scolding my girlfriend, can you?" I looked at Heeseung that is approaching us now. He gave a smile and pulled me by my waist. "This isn't your girl. I'm sorry, I'll take care of her. Thanks."

Justin chuckled. "Yeah. That's your girl. And she's supposed to be your responsibility, not mine—"

"Then why are you still taking care of her?" Heeseung asked.

"Because you can't." Justin answered as I sniffed and they both glanced at me.

"Not your girl. Not your problem." Heeseung answered, ready to leave with me.

"That's not my girl and not theirs too."  I closed my eyes in frustration. There he said it.

"What do you mean?"

"Yanna is touched by these men." he pointed at 6 men that almost harassed me earlier. 

"So, Yanna is your name?" the man asked as I nodded and stood up to find another seat. I'm not comfortable.

He followed me and I got nervous. It felt like all the alcohol left my body and I'm wide awake now.

"Miss," he held me by my waist as I tried to get out.

"P-please don't touch me—"

5 men chuckled as they all approached towards us.

"Xen, you got nice taste." one of them mumbled as he bit his lips while looking at my body.

"I told you I'll catch you a good one."

"She seems so fresh, it seems like we're the first to touch her." the one said as he walked towards me, I tried to kick him but he held my feet.

"L-let go of me! Please!" I exclaimed while trying to get out but no one dares to save me. They're all watching while drinking their own drinks. "P-please help me!"

"You're in a wrong place to call for help, lady."


I looked at Justin and he's just watching, not wanting to get near us. He's holding the stick of lollipop that he was eating.

"J-justin please—h-help me please!"

"You know this girl?" Xen asked and he licked my ear as I hit his neck with my elbow. "She's mine now, look! She's enjoying!"

"Get the fuck out of me please!" I exclaimed while glaring at Justin, asking him to help me. "Justin, please I'm begging y—"

"Remove your ass skin out of her." Justin mumbled as the 6 men chuckled.

"Kid. Stop telling us what to do. You're not cool." the man chuckled and tried to touch my chest but I tried to hit him with my head. That shit hurts.

Justin removed the lollipop out of his mouth and sighed. "Y'all aren't dizzy yet?" he asked.


"I purposely asked someone to put something on your lollipops., and in drinks by the way. I asked them to sell the lollipops only to those asshole with shit-like men. And look, you guys have it." He chuckled. "How's the lollipop?" he lifted up his lollipop. "This bar is mine." and he throwed the lollipop to one of them.

"Shitty sticky." the one mumbled and tried to get near Justin as Justin chuckled and tried to stop the man.

"I'm scared please don't get near me. P-please, y-you're intimidating!" I chuckled when Justin cried fake while hugging himself. "I don't wanna fight so please just let the police lock your wrists."

"Kid I'm not playing games." the man pushed Justin but It didn't matter. I know he can survive that.

"Get off me bitch I'm watching." I whispered to the man that is holding me.

Few minutes later the guys are already knocked down. No no, Justin didn't knocked them off. The poison did.

Heeseung's POV

"I appreciate it. Thanks." I mumbled with a smile. "But please don't scold her in front of the people, you're making her embarrassed."

Justin rolled his eyes. "Take care of your girl." he tapped my shoulder twice before leaving. But he stopped and turned to face my ear to whisper. "If you can't take care of her again, I will."

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