The blue alien smiled at you as you stepped up to the desk. "Hi...Is there a room I can rent here?" You asked adjusting your stance. The blue alien nodded and started to type on her computer. She glanced up at her and turn the computer so she could see. "Yes we do. As you see here on the screen, we have a few. Would you like on the ground level or up high?" You thought for a second and decided on a ground level. Can never be too careful. Who knows if Kylo or Hux show up, having a ground level room can get you out in a hurry. She smiled again and turned the computer screen back around. She asked for your name and you paused. It would be a very bad idea to give your real name so you said the first name that popped in your head. The blue alien who you saw had on a name tag, her named was Lily. Lily was typing away and then looked at you. Your eyes widen when she told you how many credits the room was, you took your bag and grabbed the credits. Before you joined the First Order, you worked at your cantan on your home planet. You saved quite sum of credits and hid it from the first order. Again better to be safe then sorry. You handed her the credits which she took with a smile. A few mintues later you were heading to the room you rented, you held the key card in your right hand. Lily was very nice to you and recommended a few places to go while you were here. She also told you how to get to your room, the place they were in was very big and someone could get easily lost if they didn't pay attention. With directions in mind and key card in hand you past two chideren running down the long hall, they turned a corner and disappeared from sight. You chuckled and shook your head. Heading down the hallway, you saw on the wall signs which way were the room. You turned right and headed down the long hallway, turning down a few hallways you found yourself in front of the door of the room you rented. On the wall to the left was where you would swiping the card, you quickly swiped your card.

A beep could be heard and the white glossy door swished opened. You were greeted with darkness, you step into the room and the lights flicked on. Scanning the room you saw it was small but had a bed, table, nightstand, a door on the right and a window to the far wall. The room and furiturne was glossy white which you frowned. Did they ever heard of different colors? You shook your head and walked over to the bed and placed your bag on top of it. You sat down barely avoiding the bag and thought back on what happened the past few days. Just yesterday you were on the Star Destroyer and now you were in a small room on Bespin. Hopefully this would work and you were drag back to them. Your stomach growled and you huffed. You haven't eaten since you were on the Star Destroyer, Lily did mention a place to eat. If you wore a robe or at least covered your face you could go to the cantean, you doubt the storm troopers would reconginze you but it better to not take any chances. Opening your bag, you looked through it and found the long light pink robe that belong to your mothers. The only thing you had of your parents, you decided to take a quick shower. You felt grimy and needed one badly.

A short time later you slipped on your mothers robe and put the hood up. The only mirror was in the refresher and it would only show you from the head to the shoulders. You grabbed you room key and credits then headed out. Walking down a few hallways, you saw on the wall the a sign for the canteen. You smiled and followed the signs. When you entered the canteen you were taking back a bit. It looked busy, it was a large canteen with tables with chairs scattered about it. The wondefully smells made your stomach growl again, you scanned the room and saw a line at the back right of the place. You quickly made a beeline to the line, the line was alittle long but you didn't mind. The line moved up alittle and a few people got in the line behind you.You study the people eating and leaving. You wondered what there life was like, a tap on your shoulder made you look behind you. A tall man with black wavy hair, tan skin and brown kind eyes smiled at you. He chuckled when you turned toward him and leaned his shoulder against the wall. He was wearing a long sleeve button up shirt, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and the collar was up instead of down. He had on black leather gloves and a dark brown bandana tied to his left shoulder. He had a sack over his shoulder and rested at his left hip, you glanced down at his brown pants and shoes then back up at him. He was clean shaven and very handsome. He kept his eyes on you and kept a warm smile on his lips. "You need to move up." He said with the warm smile on his face. You whipped your head back to the front of the line and saw a gap, you looked back a him as your cheeks grew hot. "I'm sorry...guess I am not paying attention." A low snarl made you look behind the man to see a large man with horns coming from his jaw. The man turned to the other man. "Relax. We are moving." The man moved to be beside you and glanced at you again. "Let's move up shall we? You nodded and moved up with him in the line. When you were caught up in the line, the man leaned his left shoulder against the wall and study you. You shuffled your feet and looked down, when you looked back up he was a little closer. "So...are you here with someone or alone?" He asked scratching his chin. You suddenly felt nervous. Should you tell him you were alone? Who knows, he might be with the first order. But something told you he wasn't with the first order and you could trust him. "I am actually alone." He nodded as you both move a little up in the line. "I am alone too. Was just making a pit stop before I head out." He said as he stepped closer to you. He slapped himself in the head and laughed. His laugh made you relax a little and you laughed with him. "How rude of me. I'm Poe...Poe Dameron."

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