Chapter 7

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I woke up in the hospital wings, a few days later. I woke up to blinding white bright lights, and Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, Google, Montague, Daphne, and Astoria around my bed. When I looked around to see their faces, Draco was looking at the floor worried. Blaise kicked him on the leg, and Draco looked up. He seemed relieved. Daphne looked at everyone, and then everyone but Draco left. "Avari, you kn-.", "Draco.. I know" I cut him off. I held my hand out. He put his hand in mine. He smiled, but then the smile went away, "Avari, I got a letter, There is a date set now". A date set? A date set for wha-... Oh no. I looked away from Draco. "This can't be possible, Can it?". He just looked at me nodding his head. My stomach feels worse now. "Oh Avari?" Draco Finally said breaking the silence. "Umm... Well... My Father has been sent to Azkaban..". "Oh my god, Draco, I am so sorry..." I said sitting up and hugging him. "Lay back down before that madam pomfrey yells again...'- He laughed - "but... yea, It is terrible, me and mum or going to leave the trials though.." he continued. Wow, to think that your father would be away especially during this time, the thought of that makes me feel bad. Draco looked down at the floor. "You are probably wondering well... Why has he been sent to Azkaban? ''. I laughed.. "Draco, I actually never thought about asking, or wondering why". He looked up, looking into my eyes. "You are too special Avari..." he laughed back at me. I asked him if he could hand me the stack of letters on the table. He gave them to me. I looked at the stack. One letter from my mum and father, One that looks like from Draco's mum, probably wondering how Draco was, Another one from what looks like Pansy, probably will skip that one. The last two letters were one from Dumbledore saying he is moving my O.W.L.S date back a few days till I can get out of the hospital. The last one, Draco looked scared. "Avari... That's the letter", he said to me. I put it in the back of the stack once again. He relaxed. I opened the one from Pansy: 

Ʌⅴₐ𝗋ⅰ, | ₐ𝔪 𝗌ℴ𝗋𝗋γ | ʝⅰ𝗇྾ₑძ γℴս 

- 𝑃ₐ𝗇𝗌γ

I looked at Draco. We both laughed. "Ok, Avari. That gotta be the worst letter in the history of letters". I pointed my wand at the note. "Incendio", The letter went up in flames. "Well I better be going to class before Snape tells the Dark Lord and kills me" Draco said, A few minutes later. We finished our conversation and then he said goodbye. I opened the books next to me studying for the O.W.L.S.

A few days later and I got out of the hospital, I kept studying for the O.W.L.S and had to keep a safe distance between everyone and myself. They took the tests already and of course they all wanted to talk about it. Me and Draco met in the great hall. "There she is!!" Crabbe said. "Avari, We missed your last match," Montague said. I looked at Pansy. Sitting all alone. I smiled. Me, Draco, Astoria, Daphne, Crabbe, Goyle, Montague, Blaise, and a few other people from the quidditch team were all now in a full conversation. "Hey Avari, Did you know that we have a trip to Hogsmeade again in like a few days?" Goyle said. "Oh cool.." I started. "Hey, Idiot she got to do her tests..." Crabbe laughed. I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh. "Oooh Ok so wait, can't she like go and someone take a polyjuice or something?" Goyle said. "Ha. Like I trust any of you to take my tests" I laughed. "Oh cmon, Avari, Don't you trust me" Draco said. "I already took them," Montague mentioned. "Ok, what did you get..." I smiled. Montague muttered. "I.... 1 O... 3 A's.... 2 P's". That was all I heard. "Ok.. Avari, You might be right..." Montague finally gave in. We all finished our breakfast and went to classes. Ugh classes are so boring right now. Like honestly. Me and Draco were talking about how we can thankfully drop care of magical creatures next year. When we got to charms class a few hours later I told Draco we should go on patrol so we can ditch. He looked at me and laughed "Wow Avari, It is your first day back and you already wanna ditch...". I looked into his eyes. " You wanna go to charms class then??" I asked him. I ran into charms class before anyone else, Draco at the doorway. "Oi, Professor, Draco and I need to go on patrol" I asked Flitwick, coming up to the front of the class. Flitwick looked up at us. "Very well, Uhmm.. Go ahead just come back as soon as possible". I walked to the doorway, meeting Draco. "Cmon then, We are free," I laughed.

"Oi, You there" Draco said, calling out to a 3rd year. "Get back to class... You little Hufflepuff" He continued to call out. The 3rd year ran away. "5 points from Hufflepuff for skipping class" I yelled. "Ugh... Hufflepuff... You wouldn't catch a Raven claw out of class" Draco laughed, as we walked down the empty corridor. He held my hand as we went into the library. "You spoke too soon," I said, looking at 3 raven claws reading. "I got this" He whispered to me. "Mixblood, Blood traitor, all of you up, out, class now.." He said, scaring the raven claws, who looked like some 3rd or 4th years. "15 points from raven claw for skipping class" I said as they packed their stuff up and left the library.

"Avari... Please say you still have that letter" whispered Draco. It was after class time now. We had free time the rest of the night, so me and Draco were heading to the common room. Me, Draco, Montague, Goyle, Crabbe, Blaise, Astoria, and Daphne were in the common room now," I do..." I whispered back. No one but Draco heard me. "Ok... Guys.. So tomorrow, Hogsmeade..." Montague continued. "Avari, Hurry up and take you exams so you can come," Goyle said. "Mmm... If I wanna retake my exams next year" I laughed. Everyone else started to laugh as well, except Crabbe and Goyle. 

The next day, once I was done with my O.W.L.S, Draco met me at the door. He pulled me to a empty corridor."Avari, Please tell me you haven't opened your letter from.... Him -- Yet " said Draco, putting the silencing charm on the door. "I- I --- No, not yet, why?" I asked. "Where is it?" He said. He looked very determined to get the letter before me. "Listen, Avari.. Let me see the letter". 'It's in my dormitory, I can get it later, ' I said. "No... Listen I need to see it now, Please", Draco said, looking into my eyes. We ran back to the common room. Through the entrance and into my dorm. I opened my trunk. "Mobilicorpus" Draco said, pointing his wand to another trunk, blocking the entrance of the room. I found the letter. "Here, Here it is," I said, showing him the letter. Draco took it out of my hand right away. He opened the letter up, He looked it over again and again. He froze. "Draco? What is it," I asked. He just stood there. He dropped the letter out of his hand. It landed on the floor faced up. It read: 

Ɖ𝐞𝑎Г, ᴬ౮𝑎Г讠 ᖇ讠ddㄴ𝐞,
╤ḫ𝐞 d𝑎ⱦ𝐞 𝖋ŌГ ŸŌŪ ⱦŌ ﻞŌ讠ᥥ Ū𝚜 Ŵ讠ㄴㄴ Ⴆ𝐞 𝑎 𝖋𝐞Ŵ d𝑎Ÿ𝚜 𝑎𝖋ⱦ𝐞Г ŸŌŪГ ǀ໒ⱦḫ Ⴆ讠Гⱦḫd𝑎Ÿ, 丫ŌŪ Ŵ讠ㄴㄴ ⱦḫ𝐞ᥥ ㄴ𝐞𝑎Гᥥ ⱦḫ𝐞 ⱦГŪⱦḫ 𝑎ႦŌŪⱦ ŸŌŪГ ㄴ𝑎𝚜ⱦ ᥥ𝑎𝑚𝐞, ᑗᥥⱦ讠ㄴ ⱦḫ𝐞ᥥ
− ᒫⅤ

Wait... What. I picked the letter up off the floor. This has to be wrong. Riddle??? My last name is Dolohov, isn't it? This has to be wrong.

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