Chapter 4

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"Draco.... Cmon the train is leaving" I said pulling him by his hand. "In a rush to get home?" he laughed. "Ugh cmon" I said. We were both wearing our robes still. I had my hair in a pony tail and the 2 stands out. He recently told me he liked my hair like that. When we got on the train we got a private compartment together. It was reserved for prefects only. Muffliato, I said waving my wand around the compartment. No one could hear in. "You know we are meeting with the Dark Lord in a few days," Draco said. "You need to learn to control your thoughts around him," he continued. Legilimens, Draco said. I focused. I couldn't think about anything else but Draco. Him and I in the common room, our first kiss; Him and I on the astronomy tower after the yule ball, Hand in hand, When he snuck out to meet at the pond at midnight one summer. "Avari!!! You did it" Draco smiled. He put his arm around me. He hugged me. I laid my head on his shoulder.

 "I love you Avari" Draco told me. I smiled. "I love you too Draco" I responded. He smiled. I fell asleep. By the time I woke up, well Draco woke me up, We were at king's cross. My Father was at the station. He never was. Draco told me he would be right back. He went to go greet his Mum. "Father? Blimey.. What are you doing here?" I questioned. "It's your Mum..." He said. I felt a hole in my heart open up. She had been pretty sick recently. Cursed. "W-where..." I stuttered. I tried not to cry. I knew she was gone. She had been in and out of St. Mungo's for the past years. Better to worse to better. "She was at home..." He said quietly. Draco saw me out the corner of his eye and ran over. Even though we never spent any time with our parents we loved them. He came up and hugged me. I tried not to cry. "It's ok Avari..." Draco whispered in my ear. My Father went over to greet the Malfoys. Draco was holding my hand, keeping me close. "Hello, Lucius." My father said. "Dolohov, How have you been?" Lucius said. They started talking about plans for a funeral. "She can stay with us, Antonin," Narcissa said. "We would be pleased to take her in for a while," She continued. My father said he would write to me soon. We all apparated to the Malfoys. When we went in, Draco took me to his room. I sat down in one of the chairs. "I-I don't understand" I said. "I know.." He said. He sat down on the arm of the chair I was in. He put his arm around me. Narcissa came in and put a spare bed out. It had all my stuff on top of it. Magic is amazing.

I couldn't sleep well last night. I couldn't use magic. "Good morning..." Said Draco, smirking. What did he do. I opened my eyes more and I sat up. "What did you do," I said. "Oh nothing...." He responded. He left the room. Nothing around me changed. His bedroom, now with 2 beds and our trunks, half unpacked. I got dressed, changing out my robes I never changed out of. I put on a dark green crop top that had a black rose in the corner of it, and a pair of black ripped jeans. "Hurry up, Avari" Draco yelled from downstairs. I put my hair up the way he liked it and put my ring back on. I walked down the stairs. There stood Draco, surprising smirking yet again... Ugh. "Ok buddy, tell me what's up please." He held a letter, wait no, Many letters. All from our year. "Ok so these are people that hate us" Draco started, taking half the letters and putting them down on the table. I just stood there confused. "Joking- joking" He laughed. "These letters our Father dropped off earlier, They are from your Mum," he told me. "I think his exact words were, Give these to Avari, Something about your Mum's life" He smiled at me. "Oh Draco... So helpful" I said rolling my eyes smiling. He came over and gave me a hug. "Your welcome..." He sang. I hugged him back. I took his hand and we went outside to the pond. "You know..." Draco said to me. "Hmm?" I responded. "My Mum and Father are gone, instead of going inside a huge house all alone we go to the pond" He laughed. "You confuse me Avari, I love that about you," He smiled. We sat down near the little dock area. We talked and talked for like 2 hours. I pulled out the green apple from my bag from the train. I took it before we left. He took one out too. "Well... I told you to eat" Draco told me. "You really thought I was gonna listen... Huh?" I laughed. 

When we went back into the house, I could hear talking from the dining room. The doors were closed. I knew he was here. Draco looked mad. "It was supposed to be next week they came," Draco muttered. "... but why here?" I asked. "Pottah... He has the thing he needs". "It doesn't matter anyways. Dumbledore wouldn't let him get hurt," Draco continued. Me and him went to his room instead. He started sorting through his trunk of stuff. "Ugh... I forgot my quidditch gloves" He complained. I knew it wasn't that. He didn't wanna think about becoming a death eater. Neither did I. "Hello Draco... Avari," Said a witchy voice. We turned around and it was Bellatrix. "Oh Draco...This is the girl... She's more gorgeous in person" Bellatrix said. Draco looked at me and smirked. I blushed. "Draco.. She is the one??" Bellatrix asked. One? One for what. Draco knew something that I didn't. I looked at him. He avoided eye contact. Hmm.... weird. He told me everything. Wait.. No.. I can't mess up at all. No magic I thought. I can't read his mind. He would know though... Before I knew it, I took out my wand. "Avari... What are you doing" Draco said. I froze. I-i what was I doing?? "Im sorry Draco.. I don't know..." I said, I was shaking. He came over and took my wand out of my hand. He gave me a hug. "Aunt Bellatrix may you please leave us alone for a minute?" Draco asked. "Oh... Oh yes Dear.." Bellatrix said. She left the room. He took me to my bed. I sat down. "Avari... I know you probably are wondering..." Draco said. "I couldn't say in front of her," Draco told me. "One for what??" I asked him. "Well... They want me to make a promise to marry you. We trust you with the secret since you Dad and Mum... are.." He stopped. "Avari... Im so sorry... I know you miss her" Draco apologized. "It's fine... But I don't, I don't understand," I told him. I asked him why now. Why any of this. He had no idea either. We both layed down on my bed. Someone knocked on the door. It was Snape!! "The Dark Lord... wishes to talk to you both" said his monotone voice.

We followed him to the dining room. We walked in and there was my dad, Draco's parents, Bellatrix, The carrows, Crabbe and Goyle and their family, Yaxley, and Pettigrew. Not all of them were there. At the head of the table was him. The dark lord.

"Draco Malfoy... Avari Dolohov, sit my children" said the icy cold voice of Voldemort. He had always revered to us as his children. Parents are death eaters, that's what you get. Draco looked worried. He had fear in his eyes and I knew it. We went to go sit down. "Avari, come here dear..." Voldemort said. I tried walking over. Draco would not let go of my hand. Me and Draco knew that we could die any moment within his presence. Draco I could tell was mad. He acted like my protector. Voldemort stretched out his long cold white hand and touched my face. He pushed my hair back. This is it I thought. The end. I would get to see my Mum soon. I closed my eyes. Focus, I thought. Control your thoughts... "Prefect... Huh?" Voldemort said to me. "Yes my lord," I responded. Draco's hand tensed up. "You know children... I myself was a prefect" Voldemort said. "You may sit now with my children," He said. Me and Draco both, holding hands not letting go.. We said "Yes my lord". We sat down. Draco looked terrible. He was worried. So was I. Bellatrix was the next to speak. "Did you know that these kids learned occlumency?" She said. Draco looked up. He looked at his father who gave him a nod. He finally relaxed a bit. "Is that so..." Voldemort said, in his sharp tone.

About 3 hours later, they left. Bellatrix being the last to leave, My father stayed. "Blimey, Avari, I haven't a clue you knew about occlumency, I tried a few times myself, never could, " My father said. "Draco, He taught me," I smiled. Draco looked down and smirked. "Well... Lucius... Narcissa, I'm glad your son has my daughter, Now I must go" My father said leaving. They said goodbyes. Draco took my hand and we went upstairs.

"He seems happier without me and Mum," I told him once we went into his room. "Rubbish, He misses you. I know it," Draco said. "Cmon, He wants me as a death eater, He cares for one person and one person only," I told him. Draco laughed, "I guess you're right then". I got a book and hit him lightly on the shoulder with it. I laughed "Hey... you're supposed to tell me i'm wrong...". "Fine... Then you're wrong", He smirked. I crossed my arms and sat on my bed. "Fine then..." I said, I then ignored him. He came over to me... Sat down right next to me and put his arm around me. I missed the Draco I knew, like right now. With everything the dark lords want from us, He isn't wrong.

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