Chapter 5

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It was Christmas at last. The whole reason we came home. I woke up to see Draco looking at a spell book. He loved to try new curses and hexes on mud bloods and Potter and his trio. "Happy Christmas beautiful," He said. I smiled, he saw me and smirked. He got up and sat in my bed. I sat up then too. "Happy Christmas handsome," I said. Before I could move he held a present in his hand. A small silver package with a dark green ribbon around it. He smiled. I took it, shaking my head and smiling. "Well... open it," He insisted. I carefully unwrapped the little package. It was the same snake ring we had, this time it was a little bit of alexandrite in the middle of it. Our birthstone. I loved it. "Oh... Draco... I love it" I said. "This is a special ring though. This is a promise ring. I want to make a promise that we can live a long happy life together. No matter what." Draco said softly. I couldn't stop but smile. "Oh Draco... I-I-I yes of course... I love you, I would love to spend the rest of my life with you" I responded. He smirked again. "I know," Draco said, winking. I lifted up my pillow and revealed a small box for him. "I guess we got the same idea, Huh?" I laughed. He took the small box and opened it. There laid a similar ring but a moonstone in the middle. Both represented our birthstone. "I love it," Draco said. I pulled him closer, our lips touched yet again, eyes closed.

We headed downstairs minutes later. His family was nowhere to be seen. "C'mon Avari," Draco said, taking my hand. He opened the front door and we went down to the lake. Blaise and Pansy were there. "You didn't," I said. He smirked. Ugh... It gets me every time. "Happy Christmas you too" I said. "You guys too" Blaise shouted back. We walked all together down to the pond. "The Dark Lord was at your house yesterday Malfoy?" Blaise started. Draco stopped walking. I stopped walking. He held my hand tighter. The same look he had yesterday was on his face. "Uh... Yea..." Draco finally said. "Amazing" Blaise responded. Oh only if it was. Actually, it was amazing. Amazing how much fear can come out of us. A few seconds later we continued to the pond. When we got there Pansy asked to speak to me alone. "What's with Draco today? Odd he's acting" She said, once we were alone. "Uh... Not really... you see.. My Mum died a few weeks ago... The Dark Lord wanted to see how I was doing. Make sure I was ok" I lied. I felt bad lying to my best friend but I had too. Draco and I, we only knew. That's how it had to be.

Draco a few minutes later came over to me and grabbed me by the waist from behind. At this moment Blaise and Pansy realized out new rings. "Oh.. Bloody hell... Are those the promise rings?" Pansy said. She seemed angry for some reason. Blaise took her to the other side of the lake. "She always loved me" Draco admitted. "I rather have someone who understands me, like the way you do" he continued. He pulled me close and we kissed. This moment seemed different than before. I can't explain it but it did.

Pansy eventually came to her senses and said sorry. I think I now realized what has happened. We talked for an hour or 2 and then they said they had to go home for Christmas dinner. Draco and I stayed at the little pond area for a while. We went up to the little tire swing area. The tire laid there. "Haha, Avari, Remember that day" Draco begins. "Blimey, Wasn't that like 7 years ago?" I asked. He nodded his head. I had totally forgotten. Ever since I got home from the first term, my mind has been all over the place. 

We left a few minutes later. Draco told me he had an idea. We went into the house. We went to the dining room. There was the floo powder on the table. "My Mum and Father I guess are still out," Draco said. I knew he wanted to ditch the house and go somewhere. "Why don't we go to my house?" I suggested, before we got in trouble. I guess he felt bad for me, I haven't been to my house at all during holiday. He just shook his head. "I- Avari, You think it's a good idea..." He told me. I wanted to go home. "Well... Mr. Malfoy" I smirked. He smirked too. "God Avari, You know how to change my mind" Draco laughed. He pulled me close. Slowly our lips met again. For those 2 minus, it felt like years. Years ahead of us. I slowly pulled away and looked at our rings. "I love you Avari, and for the rest of my life" Draco said. "Forever" I said. Forever to me was a long time. I know we are only 15 but to me, it will never be too early to love him forever. He knew too.

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