Chapter 11

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They’re going to blame you again. We should leave. Do you really think they’re going to believe you just found the body? This is the excuse they needed to put this whole thing on you.

            “Shut up!” I hissed.

            I could hear the sirens getting closer. It was only a matter of time until they got here.

            Tyler, they won’t know you found her. Let’s get out of here, now.

            “I can’t just leave. The woman…” I turned to the chick who had heard my screams. She called 911 once she finished screaming herself. She was next to Nyla’s body and checking for a pulse.

            She’s too busy trying to revive a dead girl. Come on, we can get out of here.

            I shakily got my feet. “She’s dead…she’s…” My voice trembled.

            Tyler! Get out of here!

            The sirens were right in front of the cemetery. I turned and saw the ambulance pull up and medics came filing out with a gurney.

            “Too late.” I muttered.

            A police car came in next then a black SUV. I vaguely made out Sheriff Perez coming out of the police car but the three figures that climbed from the SUV were too far for me to recognize. The figures started walking over and I saw Liliana meet up with one of the figures from the SUV and was talking to her. I realized it was Ava.

            After a few minutes they reached us and both Ava and Liliana froze when they saw me.

            “Tyler,” Ava said. “You found the body?”

            I didn’t respond and instead just looked at the floor and gulped.

            The sheriff must’ve been having some sort of silent conversation with Ava because a few minutes later Ava told me, “Come on Tyler, I’m going to take you to the station real quick.”

            I knew what that meant. They thought I did this. They thought I killed Nyla.

            “Tyler, what were you doing at the cemetery?” Agent Foley asked me. He was middle-aged, with dark skin and cropped black hair. His hard brown eyes studied me and I couldn’t look at him for more than two seconds without feeling uncomfortable.

            “I-I was visiting my brother.” I said.

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