Chapter 10

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            “Are you okay, Tyler?” Aunt Eryn asked me.

            I was laying on my bed, looking at the pale moon outside my window. “I guess.” I muttered.

            “Hey,” She said. I turned slightly to face her. “We’re going to get this straightened out.”

            I didn’t respond to her.

            Someone had called Aunt Eryn because once we reached the station she was waiting for me. I knew Nat hadn’t since she was in the car her mom had taken us in. For the few minutes I was in the station, all the FBI personal were looking at me funny, as if expecting me to do something bad right in front of them. I couldn’t believe they would think I was killing people, especially Ava, who I had known since I was a little kid. I was pretty sure I would know if I was killing people, was what I had told them.  

            I looked at the door and saw my aunt was gone then I let out a breath noisily. At some point I fell asleep because my eyes snapped back open to my clock saying it was midnight.

            I sat bolt upright, trying to figure out what woke me up, when something clattered against my window. I should’ve probably ran to my aunt’s room or something sensible like that, but no, of course I went to my window and looked to see where the noise came from.

            Standing outside my house was a boy with shaggy hair washed out by the moonlight and a T-Shirt that what I could make out as My Chemical Romance, a sweater tied around his waist. He was holding a bunch of stones in his hands and I snorted from the cliché. I opened the window and I saw him smile.

            “You know, Levi.” I called to him, but not too loudly as to wake everyone in the house. “Most girls would probably find this cute. But I consider this stalking.”

            He spread his arms. “Go ahead and call the police. I’m sure my mom would be understanding.”

            I shook my head and closed the window. I put on a winter coat since I was only wearing pajamas-Wait. When did I change into pajamas? I had fallen asleep in my clothes, so when could I have changed?

            I shook my head, I was tired that’s it. I probably did change before I fell asleep.

            I picked up a pair of boots and as I made my way down the stairs, I took feather-like footsteps. Once I made it to the door I slipped on the boots and very slowly turned the doorknob, using all my willpower to not laugh at that I was sneaking out.  

            “Here I thought you were ignoring me.” I heard Levi say.

            “Shh! I don’t exactly think my parents would appreciate me being out here. Much less with a boy.” I closed the door softly behind me and sighed with relief.

            Levi appeared from around the corner of the house and had a smirk on his face. “Why? Am I too much of a temptation?” He gestured to his body.

Darkness in the LightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ