Start from the beginning

"Sure— see, Dylan, I am great with women." At the last words, you pretended you didn't notice how Tommy leaned over to 'Dylan' to brag, and instead turned to your friend, the two of you packing your stuff together in a quite quick pace and with her swinging her small bag over her shoulder.

"Whatever, man." Dylan hissed back.

"Oh- wait," You looked up at your friend, who, with a smile on her face, was glancing between both you and this so-called 'Tommy' as she adjusted her bag, "I don't wanna leave you high and dry." 

"It's fine," Mel said, waving you off with a small shrug, "I need to go home and walk Louie again, anyways. That dog just never lets up." 

"Excuse me- we're here, too." One of Tommy's friends, Dylan, cut in, and motioned towards Tommy's other friend, Martin.

"Go home, I don't need you anymore." Tommy said bluntly. 

With a laugh, you and Tommy separated from your friends, going on your own merry way down the street, as if you hadn't just experienced... Whatever that scene you were now leaving behind was. 

And Tommy, you found out, had quite the interesting life for a 16 year old - having just rounded 1 million subscribers on YouTube, also the whole reason as to why he was running around humiliating himself like he had done today, being a member of something called The Dream-SMP, where, apparently, a war had broken out, amazing animations filled with action and drama running around all over the internet. 

Yeah, for such a young age, Tommy was running on a rollercoaster of experiences, and you couldn't help but listen intently as he rambled on about his famous friends, his interesting life, his friends, his inside jokes with them. All of this in under 10 minutes, as you headed towards the coffée shop that you had decided to go to. 

Tommy would never admit it, but his life, despite being unusually fun and constantly a challenge for him to tackle, got overwhelming, and his friends knew that, seeing as they lived quite similar to him. No, the blonde boy would never tell anybody out loud how rough it was to stay stable when millions of people were there behind the screen with judging looks, not sparing any of his wrong movements any sort of mercy. 

Sometimes, the rain he wished to be kept abay, caught up to him, and sometimes, he wasn't lucky enough to seek cover from it before it already had him drenched. 

The smell of coffee and cake filled the air as you and Tommy stepped inside the petite shop with small smiles on both your faces, walking up to the barista to order your drinks, before taking a seat at a nearby table. 

"So..." You started, sipping your drink of choice with a small, happy humm, "How did you know you wanted to become a YouTuber?" 

"I don't- I don't really know," Tommy shrugged as he, too, took a small sip of his drink, his lips smacking together in thought after he again let the cup rest back onto the cold table, taking a few seconds to formulate an answer, "I guess I've always loved to entertain people, and, well, I am fucking hilarious, so a few years ago I just thought 'why the fuck not? Other less pog people than me has done it, why can't I?'. And now we're here, and I'm in a war that started with a faceless green man, a dyslexic lawman, drugs and pixelated discs." 

After that, and a somewhat loud laugh on your behalf, conversation seemed to flow steadily as the two of you talked about anything and everything you could think of, and you felt completely at ease, your worries completely forgotten as you enjoyed each others' presence. Even your occasional silences carried no awkwardness nor even the smallest twinge of uncomfortableness, and you happily finished off your drinks before you even really knew it.

Unfortunately, the time for you to leave drew nearer with each smile, each laugh, each whoop of joy, and soon it was time to part. Real life awaited you, as much as you had wished it had stayed away like it did during the time you talked, laughed and shared stories— well, it really was mostly Tommy gushing on about the events filling up the time in his life, yet you didn't mind. It was fascinating to see such sight before you, the sight of a happy 16-year old teenager talking about the crazy adventures him and his friends had experienced in Minecraft. How fascinating it was, watching his hair bounce on top of his head when he got pulled really into his words, the hand movements that were sometimes all over the place, and other times, very small and minimum, and how his blue eyes twinkled with joy whilst talking about the Dream-SMP and all of his fans. 

What a sight. 

When the two drinks you now had finished were thrown out, you stood there for a moment, as did Tommy, both of you seemingly not wanting to leave yet also not wanting to stand in the comfortable silence. But Tommy knew he had to get home soon, because streaming, fans and his family called, and he couldn't just ditch them so to say, just to stay with you, despite how much he actually wanted to. 

"I really should get going," Tommy eventually said, turning his phone on to check the time; perhaps he could drag it out, if not just a little bit more? "The fans awaits the big man - me." 

"Yeah, I get it," You chuckled, "Can't let that war die down, that would be absolutely tragic." 

"It would, wouldn't it?"

"Yeah, it would... We should hang out again sometime," Smiling, you slipped him a piece of paper with your number on it that caused his eyes to quickly expand to the sizes of two large teacups, "I had fun." 

"Y-yeah," The blonde boy stuttered, holding onto the paper with a tight grip, but also making sure not to accidentally rip the material or smudge the numbers written on it with his slightly shaky fingers, "I had fun too." 

"I'll see you around?" 


With another smile, you turned around where you stood and started walking down the street with a slightly happier spring to your usual demeanor, and with Tommy watching you for a second, stunned to silence and he had no idea why. 

He didn't even notice he was smiling until the corners of his mouth started hurting by the wide boyish grin on his face. And so, he turned around as well, and, just like you, started walking. 

You looked over your shoulder, back to where Tommy was, and saw his back slowly getting smaller and smaller; you, too, didn't notice just how widely you were smiling until it started hurting in the majority of your face. 

And then you kept walking, turning back to face towards where you were headed. 

Out towards the horizon, Tommy started walking, out towards the light azure skies and white clouds coating the baby blue scenery, and getting further away from the greying ones behind him, out where rain had slowly started pelting down with the texture of dust. But the rain wasn't gonna catch up, not this time. 

And he had smiled as the two of you had parted ways, not because the thought of being away from you caused him happiness, more because he was left with a small skip in his steps as well as a huge grin split widely across his face, the one that was so wide it hurt, clutching the paper with your number on it tightly in his hands as if it was an item of worship, and knowing that when he got home, your voice would once again fill his ears. 

And that thought alone, was enough for his strides to become even faster.

I am really sorry for no updates, but there has been a lot of shit going on in my life that I've had to try and deal with so I have had 0 motivation as i explained before

Stay tuned and stay safe, guys!!

vote or die tmr

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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