We were so engrossed in our work that by the time I checked my phone it was already 11pm.

"I should really get going. It's way later than I realised!" I stated, starting to pack up my books.

"I'll walk you. It's too late to walk across campus alone," he said.

"I'll be right. I'm a big girl remember," I smiled at him, happy that he cared enough, but not wanting to feel like I needed looking after.

"Morgan. I'm walking you. Don't argue," he said firmly.

So that's what happened. As we walked across campus, I had to admit I was glad he was with me. It was really dark and as it was getting colder, everything seemed far more ominous. There wasn't anyone else around and I know if I was alone I would have been on edge.

I noticed Joey seemed to be nervous and a few times I glanced at him and he looked like he wanted to say something. I didn't push him.

"So, how's the first month of campus life been for you? Except for that party..." he trailed off. I knew this isn't what he wanted to say, but felt like he should say something to eat up the silence.

"I love it. Honestly. I enjoy the freedom, being responsible for just me and I enjoy my classes. I'm exactly where I want to be," I answered honestly.

He nodded, taking in my reply as we approached Locke House already.

"Morgan," he started again, hesitantly. "I just wanted to apologise. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I got caught up in the moment. I like hanging out with you a though, so I'll make sure not to let it happen again if it means we can hang out."

I stopped, turning to face him.

"I'm sorry too. I panicked and ran. I'm good at that," I admitted.

"So we're good?"

"We're good," I smiled as we started walking again. "I bet your not used to having a girl run away from you when you try to kiss them."

He laughed lightly, rubbing his jaw as though he was thinking. "You know what, it's a first. Usually I'm fighting to get them all off me."

"Cocky," I laughed genuinely.

"You know your one of the first girls not to fall at my feet and beg for my attention. I think that's why I was such a cocky jerk to you. I didn't know how to deal with it and if I'm honest, I craved your attention because you were so hell bent on not giving it to me. Now I feel like I know more about you, I still crave your attention, but in a different way. It's not just physically anymore, I want to know all about you Morgan."

"What are you getting at, Joey?"

"Can I take you on a date?"

"A date?" I wasn't sure I had heard correctly, but the butterflies went wild, my hands got sweaty again and I felt myself blushing.

Harper said he wasn't the sort to date, ever. He hooked up, one night stands, never the same girl twice, not dates. It seemed though, that he was willing to change for me. I'm not going to pretend the thought didn't thrill me.

"Yes Morgan, a proper date. Dinner, movies, bowling, dessert, whatever you want to do. Whatever normal dates are," he laughed, confirming again that he doesn't usually do this. "Anything to spend time getting to know you."

"Ok. Yeah, I'd like that," I looked up at him seeing his eyes light up as I said yes.

"We have an away game on Saturday this week, so how about Friday night?"

"Sounds like it's a date," I grinned at him.

We were at the doors of Locke House now, so we had stopped walking.

"Thanks for walking me home. Text me a time for Friday," I said, reaching up and giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. "Night Joey."

"Night," he beamed, unable to hide his giddy smile.

I walked through the doors and up the stairs to room 208, unable to stop myself from smiling.

I walked through the doors and up the stairs to room 208, unable to stop myself from smiling

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