[23 || step out of clé]

Start from the beginning

"How can you know that?" I asked him.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me like I was stupid. "Seriously?" He asked.

I just stared back at him, not understanding.

"I'm older than Seungmin"

"Ahh" I said and felt stupid.

"A five year old could have understood that" Felix said and continued looking at me with disbelief.

"Well sorry" I said and rolled my eyes.


"Why are they not back yet? They're not back yet. Felix, why are they not back, they should be back" I was panicking because the boys hadn't come back yet.

"Why are you being annoying towards me? Go bother someone else instead" Felix whined in annoyance and gave me a glare.

I glared back at him. Oh really?

I looked over towards Chris. "Hey Chris, I'm really worried because the boys aren't back yet" I said and looked as worried as I possibly could with a sad pout.

"No! Stop doing that, bother me please" Felix changed his mind and with his hand he turned my head back towards him.

I heard the others were laughing, and I almost laughed as well because of his reaction.

The joy didn't last very long though before a loud bang was heard, way too close for comfort. I jumped from the sudden noice and as panic rose inside of me, I felt how it was getting harder to breathe. This time I was scared for real.

Steps were suddenly heard from behind us and it sounded like they were running. "Yah, guys, get up, we need to get out of this place, now" Seungmin said in panic as he and Jeongin came running towards us.

In the far distance we heard a rumbling noice that seemed to be getting closer with each second that passed.

Nobody questioned them because we all knew the place we were at should be one of the most dangerous places we'd ever been to.

All 7 of us made it to our feet and we headed towards the exit as fast as we possibly could.

I was holding Felix's wrist in a firm grip as I ran for my life. No way I would ever let him fall behind. I didn't even remember that my ankle was hurt as I ran because of the sudden adrenaline, but for Felix it wasn't as easy.

I looked over my shoulder and saw the ceiling was collapsing behind us. It was falling in a similar way as domino bricks, or like a wave, starting in one end and finishing in the other. If we weren't fast enough, we would be crushed under a domino brick, trapped in the wave, unable to breathe.

Felix was struggling to just stand up straight, running was almost impossible for him and he held his hand over the chest as if his lungs were hurting.

The exit was close now, just a few more steps and we were out. But course it couldn't be that simple.

From nowhere my ankle twisted to the side, causing me to fall. Reality without adrenaline hit me like a truck when the familiar pain shoot back up in my ankle.

"No!" Felix cried and I felt how he was trying to pull me up again on my feet, although my ankle just wouldn't work.

A pice of cement fell from the ceiling and hit me right on my shoulder, causing even more pain. My eyesight was getting blurry and I could no longer see Felix's facial features above me.

I felt how he tried lifting me up but it was pointless, until I saw the silhouette of a second person who scooped me up in his arms and ran with me towards the exit.

The Arcade || Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now