Chapter 6

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                             Remember the fallen

As goku looked out to the raven black night sky as he replayed the image of the battle that his late master had sent him through the mind memories technique the last memory of his master was the battle from Roshi's perspective. It was like looking at the battle in his masters place he saw Chi Chi and saw what his master had done in the fight that is when he see's it Roshi's death Goku falls to his knees. Tears swelling up in his eyes as he realised what this meant for him no more do overs they were gone for ever and he had to stop someone who may not of died at all why would Roshi send him this if it wasn't not a warning.

Goku knew that Chi Chi was still breathing as he looked in the sky he let out a rage filled scream showing glimmers of gold in his aura and hair but they quickly disappear the yell caught Bulma's attention as she ran towards Goku she felt a pain in her stomach but she knew Goku had a greater pain in his heart.


As the tear drenched face of Goku turned to see Bulma's tear drenched face in confusion for his rage and sorrow he let out a reply.

"I failed Roshi died he nearly killed krillians murder I was to blind to see it but when Roshi showed me is memories I saw a glimpse of a trophy room. We're I saw krillians gi and Roshi tried to adven...sob sob"

Gokus anger filled voice began to break as he sobbed before he could finish his statement. And Bulma's concerns provide true as she lunged at Goku pulling him into a sob filled embrace as he cried in her chest she held is head and looked in the night sky.

"I will kill Chi Chi"

This shocked Bulma as she now had a name and this one made sense Chi Chi was a love struck psycho and was rejected by Goku and she was a princess this made all to sense for the genius and this chilled her to the bone. She thought to herself.

" Am I to blame if I never loved Goku maybe krillian and Roshi would be Alive! "

As her grip tightens on Goku's gi he snaps out of his rage seeing his lovers face beginning to form regret and blame as he smooths his hand on her hair she looks up to see him making a fake version of his smile trying to comfort her big to no success.

"I'm sorry Bulma but we can't bring them back"

He said in a soft comforting tone as the last of his tears fell to his knees and tried to remained calm.

Magesticflame here I know it's a really short chapter but I'm tired so I made this short and sweet I hope you all have a nice day or night.

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