Chapter 2

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As bulma stands there checking her bag that her parents had pre packed for her she only sees a nighty and that's all and one pair of pajama pants. They planned for this they want me to sleep with Goku! Bulma thought to herself.
"Bulma are you okay if you don't have a pajama top you can use one of my gi tops instead?"
Usually bulma would think someone was trying to flirt with her but the tone and look Goku was using was just one of a friend trying to help another friend.
"I must have forgot my pj top and my sleeping bag sorry Goku I must head home"
As she went to walk away she felt goku's hand on her shoulder as he spoke.
"Wait you could use my bed if that's okay it's big enough for two people"
Bulma face turned red even if he was being nice bulma still couldn't help but get hot and bothered with those words.
Bulma then thought to herself.
: It's just Goku sweet naive Goku (Slap) no bulma he's an adult now say no say no and head home:
: WHAT!!!!!! Were we thinking (slap) aw Calm down its just one night and you need a shirt anyway it's just Goku your oldest friend. Don't you remember the last time we slept with him? He was little so let's calm down and just go to bed!:
"Bulma earth to bulma are you okay in there?"
Bulma then calms down and tries to act calm
"Yeah im great lets go"
To how it was when she first came here except the bed was bigger for him and it had a bigger cupboard as well.
"Sorry if I was a bit weird Goku I am just tired"
As walks into the room covered by a cloth tarp she sees Goku getting undressed
Okay then looks at her and tries to put his clothes back on instantly.
"Oh crap im so sorry Bulma I should of told you!"
"It's okay Goku I should of asked"
As she says with her back to the tarp as Goku gets changed into some black silk pants and a white shirt he comes out. And holds two shirts one is a blue gi top the other is a singlet.
"Which one do you want?"
Bulma gose's to grab the blue one and it pulls her to the floor.
"What the F*CK!?"
"Oh crap that's my weighted one I forgot"
As bulma lets go of it Goku walks back to the cupboard and remembers all his clothes except the singlets and undies are weighted.
"It's okay Goku I'll just wear my bra under the singlet"
"What's a bra again?
Bulma just gives him a look that screams of course you don't know what a bra is.
"It's what us girls were to keep our boobs straight like your undies for our boob"s"
Goku gives a satirised with the answer look and smiles.
"Okay bulma ill just get in bed good night."
As she walks out she sees Goku on one side of the bed already fast asleep.
: What am I thinking were not dating why am I getting in bed with Goku!? Calm down were friends with him and besides he's fast asleep nothing. To worry about it's not like we love him? Ahhh what if we do he's always so calm and casual he's strong patient and our parents like him! Bulma were the same person so calm down were just friend's rih.... Shit he'd be the perfect boyfriend! (Smack) calm yourself were not that girl anymore he's just a friend right right?:
bulma thought struggling to keep her emotions in check confusing goku who wasn't completely asleep
"Mumbleing mumble Mumbling mumble"
That is when she accidentally wakes Goku.
"Bulma are you okay?"
: Wait is he blushing? :
We then here Goku think to himself.
: Wait bulmas face is red and what's this heat wait roshi told me when someone's face is red that is blushing that is a part of love? Wait is bulma in love with me? Am I blushing? :
"Are you okay bulma?"
Bulma still sees goku's cheeks are red and she can't help but feel the same heat as Goku she then stutter when she talks to him.
"GO..Go..Goku im fine"
Goku then gets out of the sheets and walks to bulma and just stares at her looking at her beauty feeling as if she was the one. And bulma just stared into his eyes and began to blush more and more.
: I never noticed how beautiful her blue eyes were before is this what love feels like no calm down you could just be sick but why am I having these joyful feelings? :
: Why is he looking at us like that this is weird I have never felt this Way before? Is this love? :
"It's my phone Goku I have to take this.. Who is it? Yamcha?"
: Crap I forgot she loves Yamcha it wasn't love she felt towards me I guess? :
As we see Goku walk away to the bed with a tear in his eye we see bulma close the phone to see Goku on the bed going to sleep she then gets on the bed and closes her eye's.
As bulma wakes up to see Goku out of the bed she gets out as well to find her friend she then hears his voice?
As she hears his voice far above her she looks up to see a huge pterodactyl in the air with Goku on its tail and his power pole in its mouth.
She then sees Goku climb's up its tail.
She then sees him use his strength to make it nose dive near the ground and the power pole falls out of its mouth and he then let's go and catch it as he fly's to bulma and smiles.
: She's beautiful stop Goku just be yourself no romance! :
"How was your sleep?"
She gives me a cheery smile and she speaks again.
"It was great your bed is really comfterable".
As we see bulma touch his turtle school gi she makes a comment.
"I haven't seen those in a whole year those bring back memories don't they?"
We see Goku give her a grin and he stops when he sees her blushing again?.
: Isn't she with Yamcha why hasn't she seen this gi we were the same one? :
"How would I know Goku we broke up on April last year then go together this month and he cheated on me so we broke up again?"
Goku's eyes go wide his heart starts pounding and he smiles and then.
"YAHHH that's great!"
: Why is that great wait a second... is he in love with me?! Since when? Wait the way he reacted when I took yamchas call and we've known each other for so long. Was he suppressing his love for me because Yamcha was his friend?! :
" I mean sorry that you broke up"
He couldn't help but smile.
"Are you in love with me?"
Goku's face gose's a bright red and his heart beat speeds up and he gives a scared and nervous look at her.
: OH NO what if she isn't in love with me calm down you've battled piccolo for kami sake just say are you and if she says yes then we do two:
: This works both ways wait isn't this moving to fast? Who gives a dam!? :
"Are you serious son?"
At that moment he went down to both knees and had his hands up as he began to beg.
"It's okay Goku are you serious and I DON'T MEAN AS A JOKE!"
Bulma shouted with hope and fear in her voice showing her emotion struck face from being hit with this surprise she only came here as a way of leaving the world for a bit. But now she had just saw something that was always there.
Goku stood there gazing into bulmas blue eyes with tears of joy coming out of them he then said in a soft but sure tone.
Bulmas eyes widen realising that he wasn't joking her heart started beating extremely fast and she jumped into goku's arms and hugged him leaving goku's eyes to widen. Realising that this love he felt towards her wasn't one sided.
"I Love you to son goku"
As she said those words Goku closes his eyes and smiles as they embrace in a hug.
"So want to get lunch bulma?"
Bulma looks at goku and gives him a raised eyebrow and speaks again.
"Is it a date then?"
Goku moves his arm above his head gives his signature giggle and smiles.
"What's a date?"
Bulma then puts her hand on goku's chin and smiles.
"Sweet naive goku a date is what people go on when there in love it's like hanging out but for boyfriend and girlfriend"
As goku begins to blush a little he smiles.
"Okay im not used to love so let's go on a date heha"
As goku closes his eyes he beings to sniff the air finding a nice meal.
"I've got the place want to walk there with me?"
"Sure babe"
As she puts her finger under his chin and then beings to walk forward as the two walk bulmas curiosity comes out while looking at the tops of the branches they. Look like a circular object had crashed through them a long time ago.
"Hey goku what do you think...Goku?"
As goku stops she sees him stare at a large log blocking there path there is a cut out in the shape of grandpa gohhan holding something as goku touches it he could feel his grandpas ki and a small one that felt like his.
: This ki I sense is mine but faint and much smaller mabey 2 or 1 I don't know but this place brings back memories I remember moving around in his arms crying and the rest is fuzzy. :
"Earth to goku what's oh"
: I've only seen his grandpa once but that wooden cut out looks like his shape and is that a over shape its almost like his.. Goku's hair?! :
"Bulma were taking a detour"
Goku closed his eyes and walk bulma followed him as they moved through the forest as she saw the old broken parts of the trees were getting smaller and smaller. Until they stopped at a crater full of moss dirt and vines but they saw it a pod old and rusty but goku jumped to it and touched the glass feeling a surge of ki and he's knocked back.
As faint memories surface and he hears voices.
"well ...will ,be back for you. Survive our Kakrot!"
As we see goku on the floor we then hear bulmas voice and gokus eyes slowly open.
"GOKU! SON Wake up!"
As goku sees images of two people a man the was exactly like him but with a tanned skin tone and a scar on his cheek and a women with his skin and his eyes with black spikey hair they then slowly fade away. As he can see bulma again.
Bulma is on his legs and has her head on his chest as he can feel her tears on his chest she can then feel his breath and heart beat return.
And in a gruff and soft voice bulma stops crying when he speaks once again.
"hell of a date huh?hehah aww it hurts to laugh"
"Goku! You're okay"
She then pushes her lips onto goku's over powering him with her lips the two's face goes a bright crimson.
bulma looks at him confused and stunned.
"Son that was a kiss it's what couples do when there in love. Wait was that your first kiss?"
Goku answers his cheeks a tomato red.
She smiles again and asks.
"Want a other?"
Goku's face his now a full red as he looks at her with his eye's wide.
"Um yeah".
Responds the nervous martial artist.
As goku and bulma end there kiss goku uses his strength to pull the pod out of the ground and balances it on his shoulder.
"So son what will we do with it? Its not human technology and?"
"It's were grandpa found me"
Says Goku and bulmas face turns to shock as she responds.
"Wait are you serious?!"
As goku closes his eyes he vaguely remembers seeing from inside the pod and seeing grandpa gohhan for the first time.
"Yeah im sure"
As goku calls out to the sky,
As Goku lands at his hut he lets his new girlfriend Bulma down gently and then they see his nimbus land next to them he then sends it into the sky.
"That was nice goku but what are we going to do about the pod?"
:That's a good question I forgot I know nothing about space ships or science? :
: I have a it we can use my lab but wait that means ill be away from goku wait a sec I can ask him to move in with me what that's moving too fast :
"Any idea's Bulma"
Bulma looks at the hut and then goku and then her capsule car.
"You can move to my place!"
Goku's eyes widen and bulma's in shock.
"What I mean is we can move the pod to my place and I could study it and mabey you could umm move in?"
: Is she serious I love her but doesn't she like the mountains if she doesn't I could move in with her she does have a lab which she could use to figure this out? :
"Don't you like the mountains?"
She then looks at him and speaks again.
"I love this place but we'd be able to find out what species you are quicker if you're at my place and besides we have great food more variety."
Goku's eyes widen when she mentions food and she calms down and casually says.
"Okay bulma lets go"
Bulma looks into goku's eyes in surprise
"Are you serious?"
Goku looks at her and kiss her on the fore head and smiles at her once again and speaks.

Love is a wish ( I regret dis don't read )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon