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3rd POV

Todoroki was overreacting

Shoto had stayed up for weeks trying to figure out who Izuku was related to. His entire bloodstream was Coffee, red bull, and a whole lot of energy drinks.

He had come to the conclusion that Izuku was just a ghost, a figment of the imagination. Until something happened.

Now to fill you in Shoto was a conspiracy theorist. He was most famous for his secret love child theories. But that didn't change the fact that Shoto could dig things up. 

So for the past 3 weeks, Shoto has locked himself in his room that he stockpiled with cold soba and energy-giving drinks. If you looked around you would see that classic red string. All over the walls were photos, documents, notes, theories, etc. 

Shoto had gone all the way to the 1920s. Though that was the hard part a lot of information was screwy because of the Quirk wars but if you went to the right places and talked to the right people you would be able to scrounge up a lot. 

Shoto even found an old movie called Hacksaw ridge that in the ending talked about a green-haired Boy who had helped desmond during his trial. It said the boy had waltzed in with his father and handed a sticky note to the judge winked at desmond and left. Turned out Desmond's Father Knew the Boy and called him to help and When he and The boy walked into the court The boy was of higher rank than everyone in that room and He was an active soldier. 

The boy had given the judge a note that basically said desmond was free to not carry a weapon in battle by direct order of General Midoriya. When Shoto had watched that part he started celebrating his trace had gone cold so he was excited. 

Shoto hadn't been to school in weeks people were starting to worry. But Shoto was getting somewhere. He dug deeper and deeper until he went back to when the first photo was created. Piling photo upon photo until he noticed something in EVERY. SINGLE. PHOTO.

In every photo, Izuku was either winking at the camera or smiling mischievously. This had made Shoto's eye twitch. Now figuring out that Izuku had been alive for centuries, Shoto started looking into people Izuku has met.

He figured out That Izuku has Two Kids and a dead wife. His Wife was a hero, his daughter he hasn't seen in years giving her up for her safety. His son Died and Izuku Took in his grandson Tenko. 

Finally having enough evidence Shoto left his room his a briefcase and a crazed look in his eye. All three of his siblings walked the other way when they saw him. His father though didn't have that common sense. 

"SHOTO!" Endeavor yelled standing in front of Shoto who was looking down mumbling stuff. When Shoto looked up into his father's eyes. Endeavor stepped back. Never had he seen such sleep-deprived crazy eyes. It honestly scared him.

Shoto left the house with a crazy aura around him. He walked into Stopped Clock and Walked straight to the counter where Izuku was smiling as he figured this would happen.

"You've been alive for centuries...." That was all Shoto could say before he fell asleep. That's right people not sleeping for three weeks can make people fall over while they are talking to someone.

Laughing Izuku picked up Shoto and his briefcase and brought him upstairs where Izuku lived.  Setting him down on His bed Izuku opened the briefcase to find all of Shoto's evidence on him.


A/N- Short but I like it Thank you for reading


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