(then Yuga came in)

Kotaro: Hey, Yuga, there's someone looking for you.

Yuga: Me? Who?

Kenzo: Yo.

Yuga: Mitake Kenzo.

Kenzo: It's been a while, but, I know I wasn't fit to become one of AIGES. But, let's put this aside.

Najenda: So, why do you want for us?

Kenzo: Oh, I heard an alien was control that kaiju name Zetton.

Kaki: Is he referring to the Bat Seijin?

Satoru: I'm not sure.

Kenzo: I found out for myself those violent aliens have been secretly living beside people like my mom and I.

Nana: Your mother?

Kenzo: A kaiju destroyed the building that my mom was in. Now she's in the hospital.

Eve: So, you want to get rid of that alien?

Kenzo: Yeah.

Kotaro: Hey, you may found the right place, but, we're a part of the defence team, we have civilians in rescue missions, and handle hostile kaijus. But, we'll attack them if they gone rogue.

Najenda: Even it's an alien or humans, if they're in trouble, we'll save them. We don't discriminate or show prejudice.

Kenzo: Well, look at me. I'm pretty used to getting treated with prejudice.

Najenda: I see, why not you'll be place on trial.

Kenzo: Alright. I'll be looking forward working with you.

Yuga: This is Kaki, this is Satoru, this is Eve, this is Juvia, this is Maki and this is Nana. You've met Yokan, Leader and Captain.

Kenzo: Yeah, it was three months ago.

Kotaro: Anyway, here, our uniform. At least, we have a name at the back. Yours is just blank.

(then he puts on the jacket)

Juvia: Oh my, that's looks good on him.

(then Kyoka came in)

Kyoka: What's happening?

Kenzo: A robot?

Yuga: She's an Android, this is Kyoka, we're keeping her for surveillance, we exactly don't know where she's coming from.

(then the others gave Kenzo a tour around the Sky Base)

Kaki: This is the cafeteria where we usually get our meals.

Satoru: This is the gym where we do our training.

Juvia: This is the science lab, where we check on the stuff we collected are research on aliens or androids.

Eve: And this is the hangar where we store our fighter jets.

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