Chapter 1

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Harry closed his eyes, excitement curling through him, as Draco's face drew nearer. He wanted this so badly. He could feel the warm breaths against his mouth. Draco was so close.

But then he shifted. Away.

Opening his eyes, Harry looked over at Draco, dreading what he would see.

Draco was sitting with his head clutched in his hands, white blond hair messed up. His chest was heaving, like he was breathing hard or...

Oh shit, Harry thought. Don't let him be crying. Tentatively, he reached out a hand to lay of Draco's shoulder. The other man shuddered under his touch.

Draco turned his head to look at Harry, his grey eyes seeming enormous in his pale face, shiny with unshed tears. "I want to... but I can't."

Harry sighed, closing his eyes. "This is completely my fault. I thought if we dated a bit, took things slow..."

With a frustrated huff, Draco jumped up from the sofa. He paced around the living room, clearly agitated. "This is so dumb. You've said you were sorry a dozen times, and I know you mean it. You saved my life, helped me at the trial, helped me get a job."

"Taken you to the flashiest restaurants, got you a bit drunk, flirted with you shamelessly," Harry drawled, trying to lighten the mood.

Draco stopped, glaring at Harry at first, but then his expression eased. He tilted his chin at a proud Malfoy angle. "All the men I've dated do that," he said dismissively.

Even though Harry knew he was teasing, Harry had to push down the jealous thoughts that sprang up at the mental image of Draco with another man. "Um, yeah," he mumbled, a bit distracted. "Maybe you should immobilize me. Give me a taste of my own medicine."

He said it jokingly, but it made Draco still, and spin on his heel to face Harry. "Yes," he said, his face brightening. "That's perfect. Lie down on the rug."

"What? No way," Harry immediately countered, leaning back on the sofa.

Draco just smirked at him. "Come on. You've said all along that I need to learn to trust you, right, Potter?"

The use of his last name was still jarring. Even after all these dates, Draco still used it, surely knowing how it bothered Harry. One of the many ways he toyed with him.

Harry was a Gryffindor, and sometimes jumped into things a bit too rashly. Getting up, Harry looked down at the rug. "Just lie down, right here?"

Draco must have heard the doubt in his tone. He huffed, and tossed a throw pillow onto the rug. "Fine. Your head can go there. I'll even tuck a blanket over you."

The words reminded him of how he'd left Draco at the castle, and it sent a pang of guilt through him. If he did this, as foolish as it was, he wouldn't have to feel as guilty anymore. Some payback for Draco.

Sighing, Harry lowered himself, lettting his head rest against the pillow and trying to settle into a comfortable position. "Ok, Draco."

Eyes gleaming, Draco slowly pulled out his wand. With a few flicks and a softly mumbled spell, Harry felt the invisible bonds pull his limbs in tight to his body. It was so tight he couldn't really move at all, and even his breathing felt restricted. It wasn't painful, but felt so unnatural.

Opening his eyes, Harry tried to speak, but his jaw was frozen shut. He was entirely at Draco's mercy.

Draco was watching him closely, his expression smug and far too pleased with himself. It reminded Harry of Draco in their Hogwarts days. Fucking cocky bastard.

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