“Well, I for one, still cannot believe that you, Jade West, actually… likes me,” Tori said breathlessly. “After all those years of fighting and not being able to stand one another… it’s just… it’s like a dream! I half expect to wake up in my bed, extremely disappointed to find that it wasn’t real.”

Jade grinned beautifully at the brunette. “Don’t worry babe, I can guarantee that it is one-hundred percent real.”


That one, little word caused Tori’s heart to leap into her throat. She felt like squealing for joy. Warmth spread throughout her entire body and the smile that appeared ached her cheeks. After all those times hearing Jade call Beck that and wishing it was her she was saying it to, Tori could hardly believe it. It was finally happening.

“I like it when you call me that,” Tori finally got out, feeling her cheeks heat up slightly.

“What, ‘babe?’” Jade asked cocking her head in curiosity as she took in the sudden flushed complexion of her girlfriend. Tori merely nodded, looking down at the ground sheepishly. Jade couldn’t help the smirk and she stopped them again. They were outside a pet store and the irritating birds inside were shrieking. Not exactly the most romantic scenario she could think of. But nevertheless…

Jade cupped Tori’s chin in one hand and brought her head up so that she could see her face. Jade swallowed harshly, truly realizing just how beautiful the brunette was. The high cheekbones, the warm chocolate eyes and the soft lips just begging to be kissed. And so, that is what she did. Jade leaned down and kissed Tori, sweetly and gently. Their eyes fluttered close and Tori didn’t try to deepen it, drowning in the feeling of affection and warmth.

When they broke apart, both girls’ eyes were sparkling and both chests were heaving. The kiss had been simple and yet had more effect on their bodies than if they’d been passionately making out. There had been too many emotions thrown into that kiss and Tori was feeling positively overwhelmed, unsure how to cope with how she felt for the raven-haired beauty.

“That was-” Jade said breathlessly.

“Amazing?” Tori finished laughing. Jade hummed in response, making up her mind that chocolate brown was now her favorite color.

“I could certainly get used to this,” Jade murmured as they once again, made their way down the street. Fingers laced with fingers, slightly sweaty palms pressed tightly together, thumb circling over soft skin.

“Tell me about it,” Tori sighed happily. “So where are we off to next, Miss West?”

Jade snorted at the title. “Miss West, huh?” Tori merely slapped the raven-haired beauty’s arm in response causing another cackle from Jade.

“You always call me ‘Vega!’” Tori complained.

“I know, it’s a bit of a habit,” Jade confessed. “But I’m trying to get out of it.”

“Oh thanks,” Tori said sarcastically. “Because using my name must be so hard,” the brunette rolled her eyes playfully. “Seriously though, what are we going to do now?”

The question had a double connotation to it, Jade heard it. What are we going to do now? The raven-haired beauty shrugged.

Take each day as it comes, I suppose.

“Let’s go see a movie,” Jade said instead.

“As long as it isn’t that new gory film, then I’m all for it,” Tori laughed.

“Fine,” Jade drawled. “But no romantic comedies either!”

“Okay then, so either a comedy or an action film?”

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now