Ch. 3 Gift

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~~~naruto POV~~~

When I open my eyes I see that I am back in the cavern. I smile. "Mr. Fox" I say. "are you there?" I ask.

"of course I am kit. did you think I just broke out of my cage and went for a scroll." the huge fox asks. 'I didn't know big orange foxes could use sarcasm' I think to myself.

"Mr. Fox guess what." I say smiling. "i am not going to guess" I fox said. "oh come on please. please please please" I say. "Your not going to stop asking are you" The fox says.

"nope" I say smiling. Mr. Fox sighed "okay fine, you got a pet unicorn" I sweat dropped. "no I got you a present" I say smiling holding up the folded piece of paper.

shock fills the great fox's face " me a....present" he says.

~~~nine tails (kurama) POV~~~

"Mr. fox guess what" the little kit says. "I'm not going to guess" I say 'I am the nine tailed the greatest of all the tailed beasts I am NOT going to play guessing games with this little kit' I think to myself.

"oh come on please. please please please" the four year old begs. "Your not going to stop asking asking are you." I say.

"nope" the little kit says with a victorious smile. I sigh "okay fine, you got a pet unicorn" I say still annoyed.

the little kid sweat drops but then smiles and says "no I got you a present" the child says smiling while holding up a folded piece of paper.

I was shocked no human had EVER given me a present. " me a... present" I say slowly. the little kit smiles and nods.

He walks right up to my cage and unfolds the piece of paper. I look at the picture and my eyes widen in shock. "where did you get this" I ask. "I drew it for you.

I remembered when you told me that the masked man took you away from your home in forest so I thought I would draw you a picture of the forest so you can always see the forest" kit said and placed the drawing in my cage In front of me.

I place my paw on it and Channel chakra into the paper making it grow in size until it is about the size if my head.

I then pick it up and place it on the right wall of my cage and look at it. it was an incredible drawing, one that most artist only wished they could draw and this little four year drew it.

i look at it and image that I am back in the forest. I image the way the wind felt in my fur and how the earth felt beneath my paws.

how the the pines smelled and how water from the streams sparked in the sun. I imagined the warmth of the sun on my fur. I missed the forest.

"Thanks kit" I say.

~~~naruto POV ~~~

I watch as the great fox gentle placed his paw on the paper and watched as it grew until it was about the size of Mr. Fox's head.

He then placed it on he wall on the right side of his cage. he starred at for a few seconds before he turned to me and said "thanks kit". I smile "do you like it?" I ask.

"yes I like it" my smile widened when I hear that. "hey Mr. fox" I say "yes kit" "why are you locked in that cage anyway"

"because when I was forced to attack the leaf village your father the hokage used a seal that was extremely strong so that instead of just being sealed in your body I was also sealed within a cage" the fox explained.

"Why don't you just break the cage" I asked. He chuckled "kit if I could break the cage I would have done so 4 years ago. the only one who can open the cage is you" he said. i was quite for a minute. "Would you like me to open the cage?" I ask.

"What" the fox said looking surprised. "Would you like me to open the cage" I say again. "Why would you do that" the fox asks suspiciously

"because I wouldn't want to stuck in a cage that was to small for me" I say. "What's the catch" the fox asked.

I smile "if I let you out of your cage you need to tell me your real name" I say. The fox thought about it for a few minutes before replying "Fine". I look up at the seal that is really high up "ummm can you give me boost?" I ask.

"yes" the fox says and the water under my feet starts to rise and until I was at the seal. I ripped it off and watched as the gate opened.

the nine tails slowly walked out of his cage. and the first thing the great nine tailed fox demon did was.......stretch like a cat after a long nap. "Awe that feels so good, thanks kit" the fox said

"alright I let you out now will you tell me your name" I say. "My name is.... Kurama"

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