I dont approve of this mission

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Is this the least revealing thing you have ? Clary asks Izzy , as she was looking at her self in the mirror .

"What are you talking about ? All the naughty bits are covered , a little to much in my opinion "Izzy says to clary . I jump on her bed and laugh at how uncomfortable clary looks wearing izzys clothes .

"Wow Izzy your beds so comfy " I say to her . She laughs .

"So .. you, Alec and jace are ... a what? A family " clary asks Izzy shyly me and Izzy smirk .

"Translation ,you want to know if me and jace are a thing" Izzy said while sitting on the bed next to me . I laughed at clary's face .

"Why would I care " clary says pretending to be uninterested.

"Because you do " Izzy says .

"Yh and I saw the look you two were giving each other " I wink at clary , she turns red .

"Don't worry , in every way he's like my brother . Our parents took jace in when he was ten . We trained together , learned to fight side by side " Izzy said to clary .

"And for you mads don't worry my brother is completely available " she says to me grinning . I start coughing .

"What no I don't like Alec " I say .

Her and clary just start laughing while I roll my eyes .

"Okay let's go , and by the way Simon is kind of nerd cute " Izzy says to me and clary , we all start laughing .

We get to the training room , and spot Simon who immediately starts walking towards us .

"Girls , let's get out of here, just the three of us, we can get Dot ourselves " Simon says to me and clary .

"Simon , there are demons out there . Actual demons with tentacles that want to murder us . Do you know how to kill a demon ". I ask him raising an eyebrow.

"I'm an internet search way " he states .

"Simon I really don't think it's that simple " clary says to Simon

In that moment Izzy comes and pushed a button on the wall . A part of a wall came out with weapons in it .

"Wow, that's so cool" I say amazed .

Izzy was touching a sword when jace slaps her hand away

"No izzy "

"Fifty bucks he doesn't approve of this mission " Izzy says .

" I don't approve of this mission " Alec said coming towards us . I laughed giving Izzy a high five , he looks at us confused but carries on " I spoke with the clave , there sending seelie scouts to search for valentine . But they made it clear the little girls don't leave the premises " Alec says while looking at me and clary .

I glare at him . " hey I have a name , and me and clary aren't little girls " I snap using my fingers to quote 'little girls '

He just glares back .

He just glares back

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