Just because your my brother doesn't mean i wont kick your ass

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Several knocks on my door made me finally open my eyes. I rolled over to grab my phone form the night stand and see what time was it. 10:00 am. It was already late but I didn't really care. I had stayed up all night and I could barely get some sleep until 5:00.

I felt like total shit and really sick and had no intentions to even get out of bed. "Whoever it is, go the hell away and let me sleep in peace thanks." I shouted. I knew that I was being rude but I really wanted to be alone.

"Don't give me attitude this early in the morning Mads . Open the door." It was Izzy. I rolled my eyes and put a pillow over my head. I knew it was going to be difficult to get rid of her, but I had to try.

"I'm being serious Izzy, I don't feel well and I would really appreciate if you leave me alone." "I will make you feel better. It's already 10:00 am and it's not healthy for you to still be in bed. Open up." Her voice was still soft, but I could tell she was starting to lose her patience. I grunted.

"For me it is very healthy. Seriously Izzy I'm going to start having a headache if you don't go away and let me sleep. Have some consideration woman." I wish I hadn't said that. "MADISON GRACE FAIRCHILD OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW BEFORE I CALL JACE AND ORDER HIM TO PERFORM AN OPEN SESAME ON YOUR DOOR." She yelled.

Okay, I pissed her off, but I still wasn't going to give up. "ISABELLE SOPHIA LIGHTWOOD LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" I made a brief pause. "AND HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW MY MIDDLE NAME?" I yelled back.

"FINE. JUST REMEMBER YOU ASKED FOR IT." After she said that, there was total silence. A few minutes later I heard footsteps approaching. Even if she had brought Jace, he couldn't perform his particular technique on my door simply because it was locked... and he would probably break his foot trying. I parted my mouth in shock when my door simply opened revealing a very pissed Izzy and a concerned Jace.

"How the fuck did you do that? You didn't even kick the door! Okay, is Magnus hiding outside? I swear to god if you used magic on my door Magnus I'll get my revenge!" I yelled and both Izzy and Jace glared at me.

"An opening rune actually exists, you know?" Jace informed as he crossed his arms. I glared at him for a moment before looking at Izzy. Yep, she looked more pissed. "I give you 10 seconds to get out of that bed and go eat breakfast before I kick your ass." Izzy said as she placed her hands on her waist. I had never seen her that angry and it actually scared me but I wasn't going to show it.

"You're not my boss." I replied with indiference. "No, but whether you like it or not I'm your best friend now and I will not tolerate seeing you like this. Now, we can try this the nice way, or we can do it the bad way. Your choice." She said as she looked at me with a fierce look. I crossed my arms. "Try me." She and Jace shared a look. "Do it." She told him and with a small nod,

Jace approached to the edge of my bed. I didn't even had time to process what was happening when I was already over Jace's shoulder. "What is wrong with you? Put me down now Jace! Just because you're my brother doesn't mean I won't kick your ass!" I said angrily as I kicked him with my legs and fists with as much strenght as my tired body was allowing me. He laughed.

"Yeah, you can't even if you want to. But nice try." He said with a funny voice. As hard as I tried, my punches and kicks didn't seem to affect him, so I sighed and eventually gave up. I was too tired to really fight him. He took me to the kitchen with Izzy right behind us. He literally sat me down in one of the chairs of the breakfast table. An omelette with orange juice were already waiting for me. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at them.

"Who cooked this?" I asked. "It wasn't Izzy if that's what you're asking." Jace replied and Izzy turned to glare at him. "Hey! I'm a good cook." She said clearly offended. I prefered to stay quiet and shoved a piece of the omelette into my mouth and took a sip of my orange juice after I swallowed it. Izzy smiled. "See? I knew you'd be hungry. I don't know why you made so much drama." "Okay, yeah I was hungry but that doesn't mean I feel okay. I'm just going to say this once: I'm not going to that wedding." I said and drank another sip of my juice. Izzy and Jace shared a look. "Are you five years old? It's not too late, you can stop this."

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