you come here often

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We know where the cup is." Clary said as we walked back to the launge area.

Everyone's eyes widened.  "Come again?" Jace asked. 

"The tarot cards. The Mortal Cup has to be hidden imside the Ace of cups. The cards look exactly like it." Clary explained.

Magnus looked like if he had seen a ghost and he and Jace shared a look.

"Why aren't you guys happy about this?! All we have to do is find..." Clary paused as Magnus gave her a knowing look.

"Dot." She sighed.  "Great." I mumbled.  "If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time.

If Valentine gets his hands on the cup-" Jace started saying but Magnus interrupted him rasing his finger. 

"We know. If Valentine started creating shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyoncé riding on a dinosaur through Times Square... People would notice." Magnus said stating the obvious. 

"But he can control demons. We've seen it." I stated.  "Hmm, paying off a few demons is easy, especially since they rarely survive to collect." Magnus stated. 

"Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card." Jace joked.  "Opening the gates of hell... that's a little more tricky." Magnus explained. 

"Valentine doesn't have the cards." Luke said as he walked in. "I do." He said and we all turned to look at him.

"They are at my desk back at the precinct. When Mads and Clary went missing, I went to the loft and I cleared everything out cause I didn't want the circle to track them." Luke explained. 

"That's great. That should be easy." Clary stated. 

"That's what General Custer said." Magnus said as he sat down on a chair. 

"Magnus is right. Valentine has spies everywhere, even in NYPD. We have to be discreet." Luke agreed. 

"Discreet? Yeah, right. You look like something out of The Mummy movie." I joked causing Magnus to laugh. 

"We'll go in the morning. Werewolf healing, remember? This is nothing a couple of hours of beauty sleep can't fix." Luke said. 


The next day, Luke, Jace, Clary and I went to the police station. 

"All right, cards are on my desk. It shouldn't take long." Luke said as he turned to look at us. 

"All right." Jace was about to walk but Luke stopped him.  "It'll be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone."

Luke said and we nodded.  "We'll wait here." Clary said as Luke started to walk in. I turned to look at Jace. 

"Don't bother on hiding your disappointment." I said to him smirking. He looked at me. 

"It sounded boring anyway." He stated as he crossed his arms.  We waited for a bit but there was no sign of Luke. I was starting to get anxious. 

"I have a bad feeling about this. Like, shit is about to go down kind of bad feeling. What's taking him so long?" I asked while biting my lower lip. 

"I know a way we could find out. Just go in and see for ourselves." Jace suggested. 

"Luke told us to stay put, so that's what we're gonna do." Clary said and I rolled my eyes. 

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