Not Alyssa! (more or...less)

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                                                                           Kristy's POV:
This is probably the most shocked I will get in my whole LIFE. The boy I have been talking too is now going to my school. I almost fell out of my chair. And boy, was he the talk of the class.
Everyone knew him from tiktok and he did this super sweet thing telling them that I basically helped him figure his way here. But then, of course, Alyssa did this really rude thing where she put her arm around the his shoulder and sat on the desk he was sitting on, acting like a couple, she said "Yeah, but I hope Dylan here knows who he's taking to the Winter Prom. It's going to be epic! Now lets give our friend some room." Then she looked at me and smirked. SHE KNEW THAT I WAS TEXTING HIM UGHHH! Dylan with his new being self asked "Yeah...wait when is the Winter Prom? And how do I even know who to take out?" "Good question Dylan" Alyssa said "Good question Dylan" I mocked a little too loudly. Suddenly everyone was looking at me confusingly, even Dylan tried to hold in a laugh. "Anyways" Alyssa said while rolling her eyes. I scoffed. "I'll answer all your questions after school. Maybe meet me at the Christmas Lit Park? Tis the season and we could find a good spot to hangout and we could know each other more."  Alyssa said. "Sure thing." Said Dylan. OMG I could not believe they were going to hangout after school. 5 minutes before the bell and I basically whined that whole time to my bff Macy.

UGHHH! This is SOOO unfair! -Kristy
True but you have to give it to him, he needs some new friends. Maybe not people like Alyssa though. -Macy
Introduce their selves?? Didn't they basically meet in that super rude way at Starbucks? That's all you need to know. That Alyssa is a rude person -Kristy
*Applies lip gloss while looking at her phone camera* Kristy there's nothing we could do about it. After these 3 periods they are already going to be driving there together -Macy

        *Bell rings, we go to our lockers*
I don't want them to meet. What if Dylan ends up liking Alyssa and wants to take her to the Winter Ball -Kristy
Then he will, we can't choose who he likes. Unless..*gives me a sly look* -Macy
Unless what? -Kristy
WHAT?! -Kristy OMG NO. I do not like him like you like Aaron- Kristy
Heyyy me and Aaron are becoming closer actually. Macy
Ha. But we need to figure out a way to make it to Christmas Lit Park before school ends. -Kristy
Yeah,  wait wut -Macy
Oh yeah after this lunch break, we're sneaking out of school *evil grin* -Kristy
Oh Boy, Kristy. But how are we going to do that?
Ahhh I have just the plan... -Kristy

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