Back From Christmas Break pt.2

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Alyssa's POV

Yay! I'm back from Christmas break. Hanging out with my bestie at NYC was sooo much fun. I am so lucky to be friends with Destiny. As me and Destiny head to breakfast, I try to move Destiny away from Kristy at all times. After our fight, it looked like we're not getting back together anytime soon. As soon as I saw Macy and Kristy notice us sitting in the breakfast cafeteria from outside, I told Destiny we should go to Starbucks after school. She confusingly agreed. We went to go say hi, but rudely they didn't even say hi to me. They were just talking and with each other and singing some type of song, so I just ignored then and looked down at my phone. I made sure they can see me rolling my eyes at them. When Kristy tried to get my attention by attempting to steal Destiny away from me after school, I quickly caught her off guard and said we already made plans. Haha. When the bell rang, Destiny and I walked from class to class together. We had a little convo too, it went a little something like this..

Hey, what you did back there...-Destiny

What do you mean..-Me                                                                                                                                                      

Look, I know you and Kristy are not on the same path, but maybe you could of invited her too-Destiny                                                                                                                                                                                        

True, but I only want you because your my bestie and we also gonna go shopping after that and I don't want them interfering, they only shop at Forever 21-Alyssa                                                                   

Oh right, ok bestieee-Destiny                                                                                                                                           

Ounwwww period-Alyssa

It was 4th period when I realized my doom. (1)I was sitting right in front of Kristy, (2) I HAD CLASS WITH KRISTY AND MACY! This was going to be the worst year ever. They were so loud during free time, so I pulled out my phone and pretended to take a selfie to see if they were looking at me. Kristy's bow is upside down, I told to myself. Someone should tell her, or let her look like a fool the whole day. Hmm, I choose B. She should have looked in the mirror. Suddenly I burst a loud giggle while looking at the camera, I wonder how and why we even became friends in the first place, oh right..yeah...

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