New Guy in town

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                                                                 Kristy's POV:

So quick recap! Me, Macy, and my brother Aaron(Macy's crush) All went to Starbucks just to hangout after school. We are all in 7th grade so we got our Uber and head on there. When the barista asked us what we would like, Aaron and Macy accidently said the same thing! It was so cute and the barista agreed, luckily, I saved the awkwardness and said that we were all just friends. All of the sudden when me and Aaron go to get some napkins and stuff, Alyssa appears out of NO WHERE and shoves me out of the way and makes fun of me. My brother being the awesome person he is, stood up for me. He told Alyssa that he should never do that and Alyssa walked away.

NOWWW, a pretty cute tiktoker enters, and for some reason he didn't look as happy as he did in his videos, he looked broken. As I was going to walk up to him and introduce myself. ALYSSA FREAKIN PUSHED ME OUT OF THE WAY! And as she was trying to take a picture with him, she was literally ignoring the fact that he looked upset. I could not believe that girl. Then she attempted to give him her number as if he was interested in her! I knew she was rude but not that rude! She walked back with Destiny standing in front of her and as she walked past me she whispered "ha I bet that cute boy over there is already so interested in me" and smirked back to her seat.

I just rolled my eyes at that girl and watched Aaron and Macy talk to each other as if they were a real couple, they are so cute, MAKE A MOVE BRO, I wanna see chemistry. When the boy finished ordering his drink, I noticed he got the same one as me, but that wasn't my main focus. He was so sad. "I need to go up to him" I thought to myself. We ended up having a convo actually..

Hey -Me
Oh, uh, Hey what's up! -Boy *tries to had sad face*
I'm Kristy -Me
I'm Dylan -Dylan
Oh and, uh, you don't have to fake a smile with me. I saw you upset earlier -Me
*Chuckles* Hehe, so you peeped that -Dylan
I most certainly did *little giggles* So what's up with that? You're usually so happy in you're videos -Me
Videos? -Dylan
Your Tiktok... -Me
Oh you caught me, yes, I'm also flightnutsincurry, don't ask about the name hehe -Dylan
Lol, but that doesn't matter tell me what's wrong dear stranger -Me
*Laughs for a bit then fades into a small smile*
Hm.. I like that face -Me
You're really good at this stuff, you know that right? -Dylan
PUH-LEASE my bestie has divorced parents, it's basically my job -Me
So tell me what's wrong Dylan....-Me

Authors Note: I will make finish the next chapter in a few hours because I'm still a school girl and I need my beauty sleep. Gn luv u babes<3

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