Season 4 Ep 13

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"Care to join me in the living room?" Klaus sighed, "I am interested to see why you didn't join on the quest to the cure."

I shrugged, "I have no use for that cure and you know that. I'm more useful here! Which, by the way, I had no part in them doing this. Bonnie has a mind of her own and she's rather hard to convince otherwise."

"You expect me to believe you that you tried to get me out of here?"

"You don't have to. But I think you want Elena to be human just like the rest of them, so you being there wouldn't have been the worst idea. They're just trying to rattle you and show that they have the upper hand."

He scoffed, "They'll see who has the upper hand when Bonnie's spell wears off."

"Not to burst your ray of sunshine, but hopefully they're all back by then. With the cure. Perhaps it could be even?"

"Even!?" He shouted, "They killed my brother and you think making Elena human is an even trade? I may have wanted to rip his heart out myself but I didn't want to kill him!"

I let out a sigh and put my hands up, "You may be right. But, you also killed Tyler's mom. So... if you want to count deaths, that would make it even."

"I guess ask me in a few hours when my mood is different." He rolled his eyes.

I gave a smirk back at him and was interrupted when the kitchen door open. I let a laugh out as Caroline made her way inside and looked between the both of us. She rolled her eyes and scoffed as she began to pace around the room.

"What are you doing here?" Caroline pushed.

"I was about to pour a drink." I smirked.

"What an excellent idea, I am parched." Klaus smiled back.

"Absolutely not!" Caroline scoffed, "Let's go home, Karson. You don't need to be here for this."

"As crappy and crazy as it sounds... I do. He's a friend."

"You flatter me, but you may want to rethink that feeling." He laughed.

I gave him a confused look. He gave me another smirk before he used a nearby light stand to impale Caroline and pull her into the room with him. He held her firmly by the neck as he showed his fangs and let them sink into her shoulder. He smirked as he allowed her boy to fall and she crawled to me.

"That was definitely worth the calories." He said.


I carried Caroline back into the Gilbert house and gently laid her on the ground just outside of his barrier. I rose to my feet and sent him a glare, while he returned it with a look of no remorse. I clenched my jaw and gave Caroline one last look before turning back to Klaus.

"Are you trying to prove that we are powerless against you?"

"You were mocking me, I just thought I should remind you of your place in all of this."

I scoffed, "My place? I came here so you weren't alone, Klaus. When my family and friends were against you, I came to you! I stood by you! Sometimes, more than your own family did. I was your friend. Now you do this.... If you want her to die, fine. But you get to watch."

"Your choice."

"No, it's actually yours now. You're the one in charge, right? Then that means you make the choices." I snapped, "If she dies, that's on you."

"Pretty cowardice of a boyfriend to leave his girlfriends' life in another man's hands." He smirked.

I shook my head, "Well, if only you knew how much of a coward that 'other man' was."

Oh, Brother ~~ The Vampire Diaries FanFictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora