"Lexie." She states.

Derek nods, "Lexie! That's right! Reid told me about you at the wedding. Sorry we didn't talk much that night. I was busy with-"

"Being a groom?" Lexie asks, giggling softly.

Spence chuckles, nodding, "Derek is always busy... especially when it comes to Jules." He states.

I giggle, "Is Pretty Boy feeling jealous?" I ask in a mocking tone.

Reid chuckles as Derek wraps his arm around him, walking inside as Hotch joins them as they walk towards the car, struggling to get the tree down. Emily walks over to Lexie and I, helping me get Darnell inside.


I gesture Emily and Lexie to the couches in the living room, grabbing out drinks.

Spence comes inside as I look up at him in confusion, "Why aren't you out there helping them?" I ask curiously.

He chuckles, playfully shrugging his shoulders, "Derek sent me inside because I wasn't helping enough apparently and I wouldn't stop shivering from the cold." He states.

I giggle, "It's not your fault it's cold in Virginia during the winter time." I state.

Spence chuckles, pulling Lexie closer to him on the couch, "I know! That's exactly what I told Derek!" He exclaims, grabbing a bottle of beer.

There's a sudden knock on the door as I get up to open it. Suddenly, the door swings open, Penelope squealing as she walks inside, followed by JJ and Will.

"Hey Penny." I state, taking her coat and tossing it in the closet as she wraps her arms around me, giving me a tight hug.

She smiles brightly as she releases me from the hug, "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I brought some gifts for you, Derek, and Darnell. Where would you like me to put them?" She asks, looking around.

I giggle lightly, "Our tree isn't up yet so you can place it anywhere." I state, shrugging my shoulders.

Garcia nods, placing the gifts next to the fireplace. I smile softly at the sight of all of our friends hanging out. Derek, Hotch, and Rossi walk into the house, carrying the tree.

"Need any help?" Spence asks, chuckling lightly at the sight of their struggle while he takes a sip of his beer.

Derek shoots him a glare, "Shut up." He groans.

Spence shrugs his shoulders, "Hey, hey, hey. If I remember correctly, you're the one who sent me inside. I could have been helping you right now...had you not sent me inside."

Derek shakes his head, ignoring Spence, as they put down the tree, setting it up properly.

I smile softly, getting up off the couch as I grab a bottle of cold beer, bringing it to Derek.

"Thank You Love." He states in a low tone, kissing underneath my jaw.

I smile softly, nodding. We both smile as we talk to our friends.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go to the garage and get the ornaments." I state, getting up off the ground.

"You need help with that?" Derek asks, looking up at me, his eyes longing.

I shake my head, biting my lip playfully, "I can do it. You stay here, entertain our guests and don't leave them unattended." I state.

Derek nods, turning back to the group.

Spence chuckles, "You have separation anxiety. Every time Jules has to go somewhere, you always ask if you can come alone." I overhear him state.

I overhear Derek scoff, "Shut up, pretty boy. You have mommy issues." He states.

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