
Hotch walks into the round table conference room, "Agent Sam from Witness Protection was just reported dead." He states, sternly, trying not to stumble over his words.

I look up at Hotch, "Agent Sam? The man who was with mom and Jack?" I ask, worry flashing in my eyes.

The lightbulb goes off in Hotch's head as he puts two and two together, "Let's go. Garcia track his cell. I'll call Foyet." He instructs.

As we climb into the SUVs, Hotch begins to dial Foyet's number.

I glance over at him, "Dad, are you sure you want to do this? What if you say something wrong and he harms them?" I ask, worry rising in my tone.

Derek leans foward, his hand landing on my shoulder, rubbing it in comfort.

"It'll be okay." Hotch states in a reassuring tone - his voice is shaky, so I can tell he's unsure of what he's doing.

He knows it's risky, but he knows he has to try to do something. My leg bounces as he puts the phone to his ear.

"Put it on speaker." I mumble as Hotch nods, placing it on the dashboard for both of us to hear.

The other line picks up, Hotch and I's jaws dropping at the shock that he actually picked up.

"Foyet?" Hotch asks, his voice stern.

"Aaron? You're okay?" A familiar female voice asks.

Hotch pauses at the irony, "I'm fine." He states sternly, glancing to me.

Haley gasps lightly, "But... he said that... Oh, Aaron." She mumbles, her voice shaking.

"He can hear us, right?" Hotch asks.

Haley mumbles, "Yes... I'm so sorry." She states, choking on tears as she lets out a sigh.

Hotch glances to me as I wipe the tears off my cheeks, "Haley... show him NO weakness... no fear." He states sternly.

Haley mutters in understanding, "I know... Sam told me all about him. Is he, um..." She asks.

"Sam is fine." Hotch states sternly, lying.

Foyet chuckles at Hotch's lie, "Aaron, Aaron, Aaron... is that why your marriage broke up? Because you're a liar?" He asks.

Why did my parents marriage break up? They never told me. The last thing I remember about the divorce is Rossi dragging Hotch's drunk ass out of the bar.

"Don't listen to him, Haley!" Hotch exclaims.

Foyet chuckles, "I have Sam's service phone right here. They sent out a mass text about his death. Take a look if you want." He states.

Hotch shakes his head, "He's trying to scare you!" He exclaims in defense.

Foyet chuckles, "Did you even tell her what this was about? About the deal?" He asks.

Hotch glances to me as I shake my head out of anger, "Mom, don't listen to him. He's just trying to make you angry." I state.

Foyet makes some movement, "Well she should be! She's gonna..." He pauses, "D-I-E due to your inflated ego." He states.

Why doesn't he just say the words? Why isn't he spelling out the words? Oh fuck! Jack.

Hotch and I exchange panicked looks - now figuring out that Jack is in the room.

Foyet continues rambling on, "Oh sure, you don't want her to know this part, either..." He begins as Hotch shakes his head.

"You know, all he had to do was stop lookin' for me and you wouldn't be in this mess." He states.

"Don't react!" Hotch exclaims.

Haley winces in fear and pain, "Aaron, What is he talking about?" She asks sternly.

Hotch pauses, "Tell Jack I need him working a case." He states sternly.

"What?" Haley asks, confusion rising in his tone.

Tell Jack I need him working the case? Oh! Working the case! I get it now!

I interrupt Hotch, "Tell Jack we need him working the case!" I exclaim.

"Jack, did you hear that?" Haley asks.

Jack comes to the phone, "Hi, Daddy. Hi Annie." He states in a soft, baby-ish tone.

"Jack, hug your mom with me." He states.

There's soft mumbles and then Jack winces.

"Jack are you okay?" I ask, worry rising in my tone.

"Yeah, mama hugged me too tight." He states.

Haley releases Jack from the hug, "I'm sorry buddy." She states, her voice shaky as she lets out a small sob.

"Why are you sad mama?" He asks.

"I just love you so much!" She responds, her tone becoming steady again.

Haley hugs Jack again, "I gotta go... I'm working on a case." Jack states in a low tone.

"Okay." She states, letting out a small sniffle.

We listen as Jack leaves the room.

Foyet chuckles, "He's so cute. He's like a little junior G Man." He states.

There's a small silence as Hotch scoffs.

"I'll be right out, Jackie-boy!" Foyet calls after Jack.

If he touches my little brother, I swear to God-

Hotch glances at me, "Is he gone?" He asks.

"Yes." Haley mumbles.

Hotch nods, "You're so strong, Haley! You're stronger than I ever was!" He states.

Haley winces as Foyet comes up from behind her, "You'll hurry, right?" He asks.

Hotch fights back his tears, "I-I- know you didn't sign on for this." He states, letting out a soft sob as he chokes on his words.

I begin to cry as tears roll down my dad's cheeks.

Haley's voice steadies more, "Neither did you Aaron." She states.

Hotch nods, "I'm sorry for everything." He states.

Haley lets out a small sob, "Promise me that you will tell him how we met, and how you used to make me laugh." She states, realizing she's probably about to die.

"Haley..." Hotch begins.

Haley cuts him off, "He needs to know that you weren't always so serious, Aaron. I want him to believe in love, because it... it is the most important thing... but you need to show him. Promise me!" She exclaims.

My heart shatters as I hear those words - He needs to know you we're always so serious, Aaron. I want him to believe in love.

Hotch shakes his head, tears rushing down his cheeks as I let out a heavy sob.

Hotch nods, "I promise." He states sternly.


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