Chapter Fifteen - I... - Volume One End

Start from the beginning

I couldn't take it anymore. It felt like their voices were digging into my head and I couldn't hear myself think. I couldn't handle it. Make it stop. Go away. I am sorry. Please stop it. Why is this happening? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!

"I KILLED MYSELF! I FUCKING KILLED MYSELF!" I screamed at them and the voices stopped right away. I don't know when but I wasn't sitting down anymore, I was just standing in the middle of them. I was panting and I was still avoiding looking at them.

"You finally told the truth. I am surprised at this. I thought I would have to force you to relive your last moment. I can't help but be disappointed by this. But at least I got to see such torture look on your face." The scribble figure was laughing again and I just wanted her to stop it. Why was she doing this to me?

"Who are you...? Why are you doing this?" I was speaking quietly but my voice still managed to sound so loud in this place. She stopped laughing right away and I could feel her cold eyes looking at me.

"The fact you don't know me is hurtful. We knew each other for so long. How could you forget me so easily ▇▇▇▇▇? I could never forget you so why is it so easy to forget me. It makes me want to kill you." Before I could even react I felt a hand go for my throat and I was lifted. The hand holding my throat wasn't holding back with how tightly she was grabbing at my throat.

I could see many black dots appearing in my eyes as the scribble figure didn't ease up with her grip on my throat. I struggled for a while, trying to kick at her but I slowly gave up fighting against her. I was just too tired and wanted to give up...

"Solta o noso filla agora. (Release our daughter now.)" The scribble figure quickly moved out of the way when an attack appeared out of nowhere. I was quickly pulled into a familiar embrace and I was coughing harshly as I rub at my throat.

"Oh, isn't this nice. You manage to find us. Even though I made to get rid of the magic stone necklace. I guess I needed to be smarter about this. You are a powerful being, aren't you?" The scribble figure laughed to herself and didn't seem to care much that she was almost attacked by the figure.

"Quen eres? Por que estás a facer dano ao noso fillo? O noso precioso bebé. (Who are you? Why are you harming our child? Our precious baby.)" The figure's voice sounded angry as their embrace slowly grew tightly. They relaxed their hold once they heard me let out a pained groan.

"I am not telling~ But your dear child does know who I am. She just doesn't want to remember me. That makes me feel so sad. I think I am going to cry." The scribble figure brought her hands to her face and made a fake crying sound. The two Aurelia with her copy her and pretend to cry along with her.

"Pare estes xogos. Indícanos quen es ou verémonos obrigados a empregar outros métodos para obter respostas. (Stop these games. Tell us who you are or we will be forced to use other methods to get answers.)" The figure was getting annoyed with the scribble figure antics and the dark area I was in reacted to their emotions.

"I understand, I understand. I know when I am not wanted. I will leave now. But I hope you know this, I will always be here. Just hiding away from your sight." With those words, the scribble figure disappeared from my sight leaving behind the two Aurelia.

"I don't know what to say to you... What a sad life that we have..." The crying Aurelia with black eyes gave me a look of pity before she disappeared from my sight. The only one left behind was the gaping hole Aurelia who was still looking at me with a blank expression.

"I really don't have anything to say to you ▇▇▇▇▇. I knew you were pathetic but this is even lower for you. Forgetting your past won't erase what happened. Your past will always be the same. No matter how hard you ignore it." With those words, she left as well. I was alone with the dark space still being held by the figure who was rubbing at my back.

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