Vengeance - (Weiss X Male Reader X Obsessive Winter) - ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL

Start from the beginning



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Y/N: "AHH!!" I scream out.

I look around the room I was in, not recognizing any of it. Before I can even comprehend what is going on the door gets blasted open as Winter comes storming in, swords drawn.

Winter: "Who is it!?!" She asks as she looks around the room for anyone to kill.

Y/N: "I...I-It was just a nightmare" I say slightly embarrassed.

As she heard that her whole body lost its tension, panting, she put her swords away as she closed the door. She looked like she was still exhausted from what happened, I don't know how long I have been out, but judging by her state of exhaustion I bet it wasn't very long.

As I look at her I couldn't help but blush, the sweat was running down her face as her damp hair and clothes clung to her. Her toned muscles showing through her clothes that had many tears, showing off only more.

Winter: "I'm glad I was able to get there when I did, I wasn't going to lose you to those wretched bandits..."

My eyes almost popped out of my skull when she suddenly started to undress right in front of me, taking off layer after layer until she was just standing there in front of me topless. She turned around when she didn't hear a reply from me, showing her massive breasts right to me a nose bleed and making me pass out.


I couldn't help but smile as I saw Y/N out cold, I took a tissue and wiped the blood off his face.

Winter: "It's been a rather insane day, sleep well N/N" I whisper before giving him a peck on the forehead.

I continue to take the rest of my clothes off, throwing them on top of Y/N's old ripped clothes. I get some new clothes together and put them at the bottom of the bed, with no one shooting at me now I can take a moment to have a shower.


Annoyed I'm making my way around the streets of Vale, trying to find Winter's place, though if I'll get there before I lose my mind...that...that was yet to be decided...

Weiss: "Oh fuck's sake, I'm an Atlesian, I don't know my way around this kingdom!" I cry out as I hit my steering wheel.

I've been driving around Vale slowly, trying to find where Winter's place is, the fact that she wouldn't answer her scroll currently didn't help either, or the fact that it was raining...

I was about to lose hope when I spotted Winter's car parked by the side of the road, surprising considering that she usually didn't take her car on her ship for travels outside Atlas. I quickly park up and storm outside the car to the front door, getting absolutely soaked in just these few seconds I was exposed.

Weiss: "WINTER OPEN UP RIGHT NOW!!!" I cried out as I banged on the door.

After banging on the door for a minute I just gave up on it and summoned Arma Gigas to kick the door in, I rushed upstairs to Winter's room. When I stepped inside I only saw Y/N sleeping on Winter's bed, confused I looked around until the bathroom door opened and Winter stepped in...naked...

Winter: "Hey Y/N, I was wondering if may-"


Winter: "Wha-Weiss! what a surpris-"

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