Whole Again - (Overprotective Glynda X Shy Male Reader)

Start from the beginning

Now I was in Vale to get a few things from the store, maybe I'll even see a good book on sale. Reading has always been a way for me to try and forget about all of this, it worked sometimes. Weiss and the others have taken some of my books and destroyed them, since then I have only ever read within the comfort of my dorm.

I'm about to get there when I fall down, when I look back I see that Weiss had tripped me. She laughs at me as I see that Mercury and Coco were there as well. I try to get up when Weiss kicks me in the side, I dry heave as all the air is forced out of me.

Weiss: "Didn't think we'll see a worm here in the city."

Coco takes my walking cane and snaps it in two, throwing the bits at my head. Mercury gets out a knife, smirking he gets closer-

The low growl of an engine could be heard as suddenly we were illuminated by the headlights of a purple Charger, a VERY angry-looking Goodwich steps out. She raises her riding crop and with a flick of her wrist sends all of the bullies into a wall, breaking their Auras.

Glynda: "Now either you leave or I'll make you!!" She said with a deadly glare.

The bullies quickly scramble to their feet and run away, Glynda comes over and gently picks me up. She sits with me on the hood and hugs me, making sure not to hurt my bruises.

Y/N: "M-Ms. Goodwitch, w-why...why did you help me? everyone else just doesn't care..."

Glynda: "The way that the majority of students treat you back at Beacon is simply not right, not fair, I wish I could boot all of those students for that...but I can't." 

A silence took over for a minute, a comfortable one though as I felt rather safe in her hold.

Glynda: "That isn't the only reason though, to be honest...I...I love you." She explained as she put a hand under my chin.

I looked at her shocked, never did I think she, let alone any woman, could ever love me. She leans in slowly and kisses me, I just let her take over as I enjoy my first kiss.

Glynda: "How was that?" She asks blushing as we separate.

Y/N: "A-Amazing Ms. Goodwich." I reply still shocked.

Glynda: "Call me Glynda."

She helps me into the passenger seat, as we start driving I notice we were going in the opposite direction of Beacon.

Y/N: "Where are we going?"

Glynda: "To my place, you can spend the night with me."

Y/N: "I-I wouldn't want to be a burden."

Glynda: "You're not a burden and never could be." She answered 

I watched the cars and houses go by as the drive continued on for several minutes, when it finally came to an end we were parked in front of a small beige house.

Glynda: "Here we are." She announced before getting out.

She walked around the car, I expected her to help me out of the seat but instead, she picked me up.

Inside the house was very cozy with darker warm colors everywhere and somewhat old-timey furnishing. She carried me all the way to the bedroom, I was confused she walked right past the couch...

Glynda: "Make yourself right at home."

Y/N: "I-"

Glynda: "And we're sleeping in the bed together, I'm not having you spend the night on the couch." She says cutting me off.

Before I could say anything she starts undressing, I wanted to look away but couldn't, she is simply stunning. Blushing once again I start undressing as well, once I was only in my boxers I joined her in the bed. She pulled the blanket over us both and pulled me over to her where she hugged me tightly, my head was on her chest, her heartbeat lulling me to sleep...

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now