Truth Ending

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You and N have been together for a while now, but he's only recently asked you out.

It was adorable, actually. He had been a blushing mess and stuttered a lot, but he managed to squeeze out the words.

"Y-Y/ me."

Of course you had said yes. Then he hugged you really tight like he was afraid you would say no.

But now you're hanging around Nimbasa City waiting for him to come back, because he never did that one thing he was supposed to do with Zekrom.

So he's off near Lacunosa for reasons he still couldn't tell you.

He's been gone for a couple days, so you're a little worried, but at the same time you're sure he can handle himself.

You walk past the ferris wheel for probably the fifth time that hour.

Being alone with your thoughts though gives you time to reminisce about how much you've changed since you reunited with N. You try to think like him, by being more open to different ideas and acknowledging there's more than one way to do things.

Reshiram's helped you too, always telling you that you can believe something without having to judge others for thinking differently.

It's getting pretty late, the neon lights from the stalls and ferris wheel seeming even brighter in contrast to the almost pitch-black.

You decide to go out to Route 16, near Lostlorn Forest and Marvelous Bridge. All the cyclists that are normally there have turned in for the night, and even the police officers have left, so you've got the route to yourself.

Suddenly, you hear a low growl, and you come face-to-face with Zekrom! You stumble back out of surprise, and hear N's soft laughter.

He slides off Zekrom's back. "Y/N! Did I startle you?" He runs to you and gives you a hug as a greeting. "I missed you!"

Zoroark's beside him, and you give him a little scratch behind the ears.

"Sorry I was gone so long," N tells you. "I'll tell you about where I went when we're somewhere else."

Zekrom returns to his form as the Dark Stone, which N puts in his pocket.

"So," he says, taking your hand and leading you back to Nimbasa, "what all have you been up to while I was gone?"

"Hopelessly awaiting your return," you tell him, sighing dramatically.

He laughs. "I hope that wasn't the case. I wouldn't want you to be unhappy because of something I did."

Zoroark rolls his eyes.

Liepard probably does the same in her Pokéball.

You two check into a room at the Pokémon Center for the night.

It's a small room with two beds on opposite walls, with a door leading to a bathroom and a small counter with a coffee maker.

N sits down on one of the beds and gestures for you to sit on the other one.

Zoroark curls up by his feet, while Liepard comes out of her Pokéball and curls up near you.

"So, I'm sure you want to know where I went." He takes his hat off and sets it down beside him. "I can be sure we're alone here, so I'll tell you."

According to Zekrom, near Lacunosa Town there is a strange cavern, where a third Legendary Pokémon is hiding. He wanted to investigate with N. And sure enough, there's a Pokémon there, a Pokémon N called "Kyurem."

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