Truth Route 14

503 14 3

"N!" You run up to him and Reshiram.

Zoroark bolts past you, nearly tripping you, to see N first. He barks excitedly, earning a few weak pats.

N slowly sits up and smiles at you.

Just that is enough to send a wave of emotions over you. You practically throw yourself into his arms and hug him super tight.

He hugs back, burying his face into your shoulder. "Thank you. You were amazing." His voice is somewhat muffled.

Zoroark rolls his eyes at your adamant display of affection, but scurries up to you two and worms his way between you.

N pulls away hesitantly, to go retrieve the Dark Stone. He holds it carefully, like it might break again, then raises it into the air.

"Almighty Zekrom, Pokémon of Ideals! Awaken now!"

The Dark Stone rises into the air, glowing a bright blue. With a bright flash and boom of thunder, Zekrom awakens from the stone.

He spreads his wings and roars, then bends over to gently bump N's head with his own. "I apologize for my previous actions. I don't know what came over me."

"It is quite alright, Zekrom," Reshiram says. The two of them touch foreheads, glad to reunite after who knows how many centuries.

"But where is that scientist that broke my stone? I will not forgive him easily."

N looks around the destroyed tower. "I'm not sure where he went. Perhaps he-" He gasps. "What about my father?" He runs to the edge of the tower and tries to peer down through the thick clouds.

Zoroark comes up to him and puts a paw on his shoulder. They're exchanging words, but you can't understand them.

Reshiram bends down and gets your attention. "Y/N, you were successful in awakening me, and you were able to fuse with my power to overcome adversity. This makes you the Hero of Truth."

"I had a feeling it was you," N says, carefully approaching you. "Ever since I found Zekrom, actually." He leans back a bit, watching Zekrom and Reshiram soar around together in the sky. "The legends say the Hero of Truth and the Hero of Ideals are meant to fight, but what if we find a way to coexist with our different views like we always did?"

a) "I would like that."

b) "Is it possible?"

c) "I'm sure we can!"

a) N smiles. "I would as well. A world where everyone can live peacefully with contrasting beliefs...that's my dream. Why don't we...try it together?"

b) He seems to share your hesitation. "I know it sounds a little odd, especially with all we've been through, but..." He trails off. "It's because of what all we've been through that I think we can do it."

c) N blushes a bit, a wide grin on his face. "I knew you'd feel the same!" He takes both your hands. "Or at least...I really hoped you would. I don't ever want to fight with you."

He pulls you into a tight embrace. "I hope over your journey you've had to think about what you believe. I do not have any say in the matter...but I hope the truth you choose is the truth that makes you happy!"

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