Chapter 12 || There's Always A Time For Nun Puns

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"You're angry at me? After everything that you've done to me, you're angry at me... Wow," I let out an incredulous laugh before averting my gaze to him and narrowing my eyes, "Don't dish out what you can't take, Blake."

Blake lets out a low, guttural growl and opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off by Marisa's voice.

"What's going on?"

Blake steps away from me and looks at Marisa, "Nothing," he mutters, sending me a final glare before leaving the room.

Marisa frowns, "Was Blake being mean?"

I force a laugh, "Mean? Nah, we were just having a staring competition." I cringe at my excuse. That is the worst lie in the history of lies, "He lost the game so he's a little upset. I'm just gonna let him cool off," I awkwardly wave at Blake's retreating figure, "We'll have round two later, okay? See ya later, buddy."

"Fuck you," he growls in response.

"See? Perfectly fine."

▲ ▲ ▲

I pull my math book out of my locker and stack it on my other textbooks I hold to my chest.

"I can't wait for prom," Elle grins and I smile. Prom was next term and everyone was buzzing with excitement now that the prom committee has stuck posters about it around the school.

"Me neither," I agree, shutting my locker, "Do you know who's running for prom yet?"

"They haven't decided. A lot of people have signed up this year, so they're gonna have to do a vote for the top three of girls and boys soon. No doubt that Amy will be one of them," Elle scowls. Her eyes widen at something behind me, "Speak of the devil and she shall appear," she mutters.

"Look who it is," Amy smiles sarcastically, "The petty bitch," she addresses Elle, "And the weak nobody," she addresses me.

"Ooo you wound me," I roll my eyes.

Amy and Elle look at me in surprise and I look away awkwardly. Today is not a day to mess with me. I'm in a cranky mood and the argument with Blake this morning has built my confidence a little. I felt unstoppable. If I can handle Blake, I can surely handle Amy.

Amy tilts her head, "Aw, look at that. The little princess finally stands up for herself. How sweet."

"Bitch, what is your problem?" Elle snaps.

"You are," she replies simply. She turns back to me and says something, but my focus is elsewhere. Blake has entered the school corridors and he looks very mad. Amy clicks her fingers in front of my face, "Hello? I'm talking to you. What are you looking at?"

I snap out of my daze and avert my attention to Amy. I give her a slow once-over, before answering her question, "I really don't know."

"You bitch," Amy growls. She opens her mouth to retort something, but struggles finding something to say, "This isn't over," she assures me, before walking away.

"Oh my god," Elle laughs, "That was brilliant."

"My heart is beating so fast," I look at Elle with wild eyes and a big smile gracing my face. "That felt so good."

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