Chapter 7 - Home (Part One)

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Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series "The Originals", "Vampire Diaries", or "Legacies" and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy.
15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references.
F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.

F/F, F/M, M/M, Other

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MANY YEARS AGO...following the fall of the world's first two covens; one of light magic and one of dark, the supreme witch of the dark coven, otherwise known as The Midnight Coven, did not want to admit defeat, knowing that if she could reunite The Midnight Coven then she would dominate the world especially now the light coven, otherwise known as sisters of the light, had broken up.
Sapphire Black, The Midnight Coven's supreme witch wanted to act quickly in a bid to not only be considering the queen of dark magic but the queen of all magic. However, the powerful witch underestimated one thing when planning world domination...her two eldest children.
Sapphire's eldest child Annabella Black did not take to the darkness within the power as easily as her younger brother Magnus, or at least not at first. Annabella was an idealist who believe the splitting of the word's first covens could lead to peace amongst all witches and with much pestering she managed to get her brother Magnus to agree to her plans for potential peace.
The only obstacle which stood in between Annabella and Magnus' plans for peace among all witches and their hopes for the younger siblings Kayne and Primrose not be raised in a warzone like they did, was none other than their mother Sapphire Black and so Sapphire's eldest daughter and eldest son quickly proved to be her undoing.

YEARS LATER...Primrose and Kayne were now all grown up and proving to be quite difficult to handle and although Annabella and Kayne managed to hide their guilt over their mother's deaths from their followers the kingdom in which they built may have been magical but it was far from perfection.
Annabella noticed the cruelness within Primrose, how she thrived with the darkness in which her power came from and how much her younger sister reminded them of their mother, she could see both good and bad in Kayne but feared he would go the same way as Primrose and worst of all for the eldest Black sibling was realizing her idealism for peace was no longer part of her brother Magnus' plans.
In the years following their mother's death, Magnus and his siblings had not only not managed to stop the witch wars but many of their own kind had fallen victim to humanity and their fear of the unknown. Magnus had watched as many of his followers, friends and even foes were hung, drowned, thrown to their deaths or burned at the stake and these acts of violence only pushed Magnus further and further away from wanting peace.
Annabella knew her brother Magnus' heart had hardened in the years since the two of them murdered their mother, she knew her brother now wanted war not peace just like their mother once did and so she decided in order for the greater good of witch kind it was time to deliver Magnus Black the same fate as their mother.
Primrose did not take much convincing to join Annabella in her treachery, having always had something of a rivalry with Magnus however, it was Kayne who took a lot of convincing to betray his own brother but eventually both Kayne and Primrose did what Annabella wanted, like they always reluctantly did and together the three Black siblings murdered their brother.
Only this time Annabella did not get away from her second murder with clean hands, as the followers of the royal witch family soon began to suspect her and her siblings leading to them turning against their rulers and burning down their kingdom which forced Annabella, Kayne and Primrose to go on the run as they found themselves hiding out within a castle in the woods for many centuries until they were forgotten by their own kind.

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