Chapter 20 - Every Rose has her thorn

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Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series "The Originals", "Vampire Diaries", or "Legacies" and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy.
15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references.
F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.

Many millenniums ago, they were creatures that lived between worlds, the demonic realm, and the world we live in today, these creatures were quickly vanquished by brave soldiers who learned the demon's weaknesses and used it against them to contai...

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Many millenniums ago, they were creatures that lived between worlds, the demonic realm, and the world we live in today, these creatures were quickly vanquished by brave soldiers who learned the demon's weaknesses and used it against them to contain them within their own realm.
Many years later, the demons let loose four of their own kind; four of their own children who were born into our world as Annabella, Magnus, Kayne, and Primrose, who grew more powerful each day they were alive, not knowing their mission was to one day break the gateway to the demonic realm open and free all of their kind, however, before they could learn their real reason for existing the witches they had created, particularly Sapphire and Auxentios, betrayed the chosen and all chances of the demons to freely realm our world again were least until recently.
Kayne Black tried and failed to strengthen the gateway between worlds to protect his world from his own kind, his failure costing him his life and despite Klaus Mikaelson's replacement theory the gateway was still weak, the only one who could now protect everything changing for the worse was Rose Black, who just so happened to have no intention of saving anyone or anything but instead wanting nothing more than vengeance for the death of her brother.

"We cannot place our heads in the sand and wait out Bella and Rose's retaliation to Kayne's death!" Freya stated, as she, Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, and Kol stood within the fountain area of the Mikaelson compound. "As sick as this sounds, we need to act now, strike while they are still grieving before they have enough time to come up with their revenge."
"As much as I do love a good murder mission, I would rather not go to war with the only two remaining friends this family has," Kol argued with his oldest sibling.
"Freya is right we need to make a move on them before they make a move on us which they will most definitely do considering both sisters loved Kayne immensely." Elijah chimed in, defending his sister Freya's plans.
"If anyone harms Bella or her unborn child family or not, I will take you down!" Rebekah threatened her siblings. "I did not reunite us, beg for favors from old friends just so we could once again be the destructive forces we once were!"
"For once I think Rebekah is right, I am certain Marcel will convince Bella not to enact revenge besides she's the New Orleans regent and is building a home here for herself and her unborn child no matter her love for Kayne she would not risk all that for him." Klaus defended Rebekah and Kol, pitting him against Freya and Elijah's reasoning.
"Rose is meant to be the wickedest witch out of that family, the psychotic loose cannon and from what I have been told has only ever felt any genuine closeness to the brother that you put down Klaus." Freya continued to argue her side to the original hybrid, determined to get the family on her side. "Bella may or may not want revenge but Rose..."
"Rose will stop at nothing to take down anyone even remotely involved in killing her brother myself included despite our history." Kol reluctantly admitted. "But that does not mean we have to kill her, perhaps a witch version of the daggers Niklaus so willing used against us."
"You're suggesting daggers?" Klaus scoffed at his younger brother, amused to see someone him mention the methods he once used
"Rose broke me free; she had every right to choose her mother's side and instead she chose this much as it pains me to say I am not down for betraying her." Rebekah revealed to her family, her hatred for the youngest Black sibling not being anywhere near as strong as it one was. "However, putting her down for a century or two is better than killing her...besides, she does love putting herself to sleep magically."
"Then we put her to sleep until we find a way to healthily let her work out her grieve without her attempting to put as all down." Freya willingly compromised to Kol and Rebekah's suggestion. "'re going to have to talk to the eldest Black sibling to make sure she not only does not want revenge but to somehow convince her to turn on her sister."
"Well considering the bitch has literally betrayed everyone she has ever been in contact with it should be rather bloody easy!" Rebekah agreed in a bitchy tone, clearly still not over Bella's betrayals.

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